Week 4 - Audition


PSY247 - Perception Quiz am Week 4 - Audition, erstellt von Daniel Whiting am 29/03/2017.
Daniel Whiting
Quiz von Daniel Whiting, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Whiting
Erstellt von Daniel Whiting vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage 1

Our cochlear acts a little bit like a...
  • Low pass filter
  • High pass filter
  • Band pass filter
  • Coffee filter
  • Fourier filter

Frage 2

Humans have the ability to hear sound levels ranging to over 100dB. What kind of dynamic range to individual nerve cells have?
  • 20-50dB
  • >100dB
  • 50-100dB
  • 10-30dB
  • 0-80dB

Frage 3

In no particular order, what is the signal hierarchy in the brain for auditory stimuli?
  • Auditory Nerve
  • Cochlear Nucleus
  • Superior Olive
  • Lateral Lemniscus
  • Inferior Colliculus
  • Thalamus
  • Auditory Cortex
  • Organ of Corti
  • Superior Colliculus
  • Piriform Cortex

Frage 4

In higher frequencies, two frequencies can fit into a single bandwidth filter and be selected for. These are called..
  • Unresolved harmonics
  • The volley principal
  • Beats
  • Residue pitch
  • Resolved harmonics
  • Fundamental frequency

Frage 5

Lower frequency sounds require [blank_start]more[blank_end] intensity to be perceived as equal in loudness to higher frequencies.
  • more
  • less
  • double
  • half
  • the same

Frage 6

The physiological mechanism for loudness is proposed to be..
  • The more neighbouring neurons that are firing together result in the sound being perceived as louder.
  • The faster the vibrations of the hair cells the louder the sound is perceived.
  • Stronger activation of a singular tuned cell.
  • Interaural differences between the ears used to calculate sound levels.

Frage 7

Sound localisation in the Azimuth plane is achieved by..
  • Interaural time differences
  • Interaural intensity differences
  • The shape of the Pinnae
  • The cone of confusion

Frage 8

Interaural time differences are processed in the [blank_start]Medial Superior Olive.[blank_end] Interaural intensity differences are processed in the [blank_start]Lateral Superior Olive.[blank_end]
  • Medial Superior Olive.
  • Lateral Superior Olive.
  • Lateral Superior Olive.
  • Medial Superior Olive.
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