Chapter 5 Definitions


Business Management (Chapter 5: Operations management ) Karteikarten am Chapter 5 Definitions , erstellt von Katelyn Gorman am 01/11/2017.
Katelyn Gorman
Karteikarten von Katelyn Gorman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Katelyn Gorman
Erstellt von Katelyn Gorman vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Operations management consists of all the activities in which managers engage to produce goods or services.
Tangibles are goods, which can be touched.
Intangibles include services, which cannot be touched.
Inputs are resources used in the process of production.
Transformation is the conversion of inputs (resources) into outputs (goods or services).
Outputs refer to the end result of an organisation’s efforts — the service or product that is delivered or provided to the consumer.
Procurement refers to the process of researching and selecting suppliers, establishing payment terms, negotiating contracts, and the actual purchasing of resources that are vital to the operations of the business.
Automated production line comprised of machinery and equipment arranged in a sequence with components added to the good as it proceeds through each step, with the process controlled by computers.
Robotics highly specialised forms of technology capable of complex tasks.
Computer aided design a computerised design tool that allows a business to create product possibilities from a series of input parameters.
Computer aided manufacturing is software that designs and controls manufacturing processes.
Computer integrated manufacturing a method of manufacturing in which the entire production process is controlled by a computer.
Materials management is the strategy that manages the use, storage and delivery of materials to ensure the right amount of inputs is available when required in the operations system.
Inventory is the goods and materials held as stock by a business.
Materials handling is the physical handling of goods in warehouses and at distribution points.
Forecasting is a materials planning tool that relies on data from the past and present and analysis of trends to attempt to determine future events.
Production plan an outline of the activities undertaken to combine resources (inputs) to create goods or services (outputs).
Master production schedule a plan that details what is to be produced and when.
Materials requirement planning involves developing an itemised list of all materials involved in production to meet the specified orders.
Inventory control ensures that costs are minimised and that the operations system has access to the right amounts of inputs when required.
Just in time a materials management strategy that ensures that the exact amount of material inputs will arrive only as they are needed in the operations process.
Quality refers to the degree of excellence of goods or services and their fitness for a stated purpose.
Quality control involves the use of inspections at various points in the production process to check for problems and defects.
Quality assurance involves the use of a system so that an organisation achieves set standards in production.
Total quality management is an ongoing, organisation-wide commitment to excellence that is applied to every aspect of the organisation’s operation.
Quality circles are groups of workers who meet to solve problems relating to quality.
Continuous improvement involves an ongoing commitment to achieving perfection.
Waste minimisation is a process involving the reduction of the amount of unwanted or unusable resources produced by a business in an attempt to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
Lean management is an approach that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of operations by eliminating waste and improving quality.
Six Sigma is a quality management approach that seeks to identify and remove the causes of problems in the operations process, achieving virtually defect-free production.
Global sourcing is the practice of seeking the most cost efficient materials and other inputs, including from countries overseas.
Overseas manufacture refers to the production of a good in a country that is different to the location of the business’s headquarters.
Outsourcing the contracting of a specific business operation to an external person or business.
Supply chain the range of suppliers from which the business purchases materials and resources.
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