GCSE AQA Biology - Infection and Response


Infection and Response GCSE AQA Biology.
Eleanor Rose
Karteikarten von Eleanor Rose, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Eleanor Rose
Erstellt von Eleanor Rose vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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What are pathogens? Pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease.
What are communicable diseases? Diseases that can easily spread.
Pathogens cause communicable diseases. True or False? True.
_____ and _____ can both be infected by pathogens. Plants and animals.
Describe bacteria. Bacteria are very small cells, which can reproduce rapidly inside your body.
How do bacteria make you feel ill? They produce toxins (poisons) that damage your cells and tissues.
Viruses are the same as cells. True or false? False.
Viruses can ______ rapidly. Reproduce.
What do viruses do? They live inside your cells and replicate themselves using the cells machinery to produce many copies of themselves. The cell will usually then burst, releasing all the new viruses.
How do viruses make you feel ill? The cell damage they cause is what makes you feel ill.
Protists are ________. Eukaryotes.
Some protists are parasites. Describe a parasite. Parasites live on or inside other organisms and can cause them damage. They are often transferred to the organism by a vector, which doesn't get the disease itself.
Describe the two different types of fungi. Some fungi are single-celled. Others have a body which is made up of hyphae (thread-like structure).
What does hyphae do? Hyphae can grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of plants, causing diseases. The hyphae can produce spores, which can be spread to other plants and animals.
Say three ways in which pathogens can spread. 1) WATER- Some pathogens can be picked up by drinking/bathing in dirty water. E.g. CHOLERA. 2) AIR- Pathogens can be carried in the air and breathed in. E.g. INFLUENZA. 3) DIRECT CONTACT- Some pathogens can be picked up by touching contaminated surfaces, including the skin. E.g. ATHLETES FOOT.
Name different types of diseases. 1) VIRUSES 2) FUNGI 3)PROTISTS 4)BACTERIA
CASE STUDY Viral diseases HIV Spread- sexual contact Causes- flu-like symptoms Treatment-antiretroviral drugs. Stops the virus replicating in the body. What does it do- attacks immune cells.
CASE STUDY Fungal diseases Rose black spot Spread- through the environment in water or by the wind. Causes- purple or black spots on the leaves of rose plants. Treatment- stripping the plant of affected leaves or using fungicide. What does it do- Means that less photosynthesis takes place, so the plant doesn't grow very well.
CASE STUDY Malaria Protist Spread- Mosquitoes. Causes- Repeating episodes of fever. Prevented- Using insecticides and mosquito nets.
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