task 5


Karteikarten am task 5, erstellt von Ichigo Kurosaki am 15/03/2018.
Ichigo Kurosaki
Karteikarten von Ichigo Kurosaki, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ichigo Kurosaki
Erstellt von Ichigo Kurosaki vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The target audience based on this front cover is also women aged women aged 18-30 this is because of the Kate Upton on the front cover. She is an American model and actress. She is very confident and feminine. Women want to be a feminine, beautiful and confident in way they look. They want to take an inspiration from other women, especially women aged 18, they are young and they attach t importance to their looks. Therefore, Vogue placed a young model on the cover of their magazine to bring women’s attention.Colour pink is the most visible colour on front cover. Pink colour it is a symbol of youth, charm, cheerful mood, as well as love. Moreover, ping colour symbolise femininity, which absolutely linking to the Kate Upton and also to all women.In addition she represents a bimbo blonde hair blue eyes curvy body just attractive but with no intelligence which can be seen as offensive to women.Also incorporates women gaze since they want to see the ideal women but it also can lead to false perception to how women should look which also leads to male gaze.
This magazine cover features rihanna
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