key terms organ. chap. 9


Psychology Karteikarten am key terms organ. chap. 9, erstellt von Iris Freiberger am 28/03/2019.
Iris Freiberger
Karteikarten von Iris Freiberger, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Iris Freiberger
Erstellt von Iris Freiberger vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
stress experience of opportunities and threats that people perceive as important and also perceive that they might not be able to handle them effectively
burnout psychological, emotional, or physical exhaustion
stressor source of stress
role conflict struggle that occurs when tasks a person is expected to perform are at odds with each other
role ambiguity uncertainty that occurs when employees are not sure what is expected of them and how they should perform their job
overload having too many tasks to perform
underload having too few tasks to perform
problem-focused coping steps people take to deal directly with stress
emotion-focused coping steps people take to deal with emotions and control their stressful feelings
time management prioritising and estimating techniques that allow employee to identify the most important tasks
role negotiation process through which employees actively try to change their roles in order to reduce role conflict, role ambiguity, and overload/underload
job rotation assigning employees to diff. jobs on a regular basis
telecommuting work arrangement that enables employees to work out of their homes regularly
organisational support extent to which organisation cares about well-being of members, helps them with problems and treats them fairly
employee assistance programmes (EAPS) company-sponsored programmes that provide employees with counselling and other kinds of professional help
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