key terms organ. chap. 11


Psychology Karteikarten am key terms organ. chap. 11, erstellt von Iris Freiberger am 29/03/2019.
Iris Freiberger
Karteikarten von Iris Freiberger, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Iris Freiberger
Erstellt von Iris Freiberger vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
potential performance highest level of performance a group is capable of achieving at a given point in time
process losses performance difficulties a group encounters because of coordination and motivation problems
process gains increases in potential performance that result from new ways motivating and coordinating group members
social loafing tendency of individuals to exert less effort when they work in a group than when they work alone
sucker effect condition in which some group members, not wishing to be considered suckers, reduce their own efforts when they see social loafing by other group members
task interdependence extent to which the work performed by one member of a group affects what other members do
pooled task interdependence tasks interdependence that results when each member of a group makes a separate and independent contribution to group performance
sequential task interdependence task interdependence that results when group members must perform specific behaviours in a predetermined order
reciprocal task interdependence task interdependence that results when the activities of all work group members are fully dependent on one another
synergy process gain that occurs when members acting together are able to produce more or better output than would have been produced by the combined efforts of each person acting alone
group cohesiveness attractiveness of a group to its members
top management team team of managers who report to the chief executive officer (CEO) and determine what an organisation is trying to accomplish
research and development (R&D) team team formed to develop new products, may be cross-functional, and is often used in high-tech industries
skunk works an R&D team created to expedite new product design and promote innovation in an organisation
virtual teams team in which sign. amount of communication and interaction occurs electronically rather than face to face
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