Flashcards of Oral Cavity


Karteikarten am Flashcards of Oral Cavity, erstellt von Orkun Kılıç am 04/12/2014.
Orkun Kılıç
Karteikarten von Orkun Kılıç, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Orkun Kılıç
Erstellt von Orkun Kılıç vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the communicating structure btw OCP and vestibule Retromolar Space
Innervation of Upper Lip superior labial branch of infraorbital nerve
Innervation of Lower Lip Inferior Labial branches of mental nerve
Upper lip and lateral parts of lower lip drain to? Submandibular LN
Medial parts of lower lip drain to? Submental LN
Labial and buccal gingivae of the incisor canine premolar teeth N and A? Inferior Alveolar N + A
Central incisors erupt decidous? permanent? 6-8 months / 7 years
Lateral incisors erupt decidous? permanent? 8-10 month / 8 years
Canine tooth erupt decidous? permanent? 16-20 months / 11 age
First premolar and second premolar erupt permanent? Ages of 9 and 10
Molar tooth erupt decidous? permanent? 12-16 months / 6 years 20-24 months / 12 years x / 17-30 years
Which teeth has 3 roots? Maxillary molars
Which teeth has 2 roots? Mandibulary molar and Maxillary first premolar
Anterior superior artery to which teeth? MAXILLARY Incisor canine
Middle superior artery to which teeth? Maxillary premolar
Posterior superior alveolar artery to? maxillary molar
Inferior alveolar artery to? Mandibular teeth
mucus membrane of tongue found in? the root of the tongue
serous membrane of the tongue found in? vallate papilla
other name of serous glands Ebner glands
Name types of papillae on tongue? Which one does not have taste buds? Vallate Foliate Filiform* Fungiform
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