Alevel biology


Karteikarten am Alevel biology, erstellt von caitlinalexandra am 19/12/2014.
Karteikarten von caitlinalexandra, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von caitlinalexandra vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Define Energy the ability to do work
State the Photosynthesis equation 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H1206 + 6O2
Define Photolysis Splitting water molecules using light energy Creating 2H+ ions + 2e + 1/2 O2
Where does the LDR occur? the grana
Where does the LIR occur The stroma
Oxidation is ... the lose of electrons
Reduction is ... Gain of electrons
The light dependent reaction
The light independent reaction
Name limiting factors of photosynthesis light, water, carbon dioxide + temperature
Name the stages of respiration Glycolysis Link reaction Krebs cycle Electron transport chain
Name where these stages occur Glycolysis-cytoplasm Link reaction-matrix Krebs cycle-matrix ETC-cristae
Name all co-enzymes NAD FAD NADP- Photosynthesis
Link reaction
Krebs cycle
The Electron Transport Chain
How many ATP are produced overall? 36-38
Anaerobic respiration creates what in bacteria and some plants? ethanol + CO2
In anaerobic respiration what do mammals produce? lactic acid or lactate
Anaerobic respiration
What units are used in pyramids of biomass Gm^-2 or ^-3
What is the unit for pyramid of energy? Jk m ^-2 year ^-1
How do you lose energy between producers and consumers? light is the wrong wavelength Light reflected back Light doesn't hit chlorophyll Limiting factors
How is energy lost between tropic levels? Respiratory loses Excretory loses some of the animal not eaten Undigestable parts
Energy transfer equation energy after over energy before x 100
Define productivity The rate at which something is released
What main factors effect productivity? photosynthesis rate Area of ground covered by leaves in a crop
Productivity is higher in... Agricultural ecosystems than natural ones
Efficiency is higher in... natural ecosystems than agricultural ones
Define a pest An organism that competes with humans for food or space, or it could be a danger to health
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