Chemistry 20 -Units 1-2 Chapter 1


Elements and Compounds
Emily Katyi
Karteikarten von Emily Katyi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emily Katyi
Erstellt von Emily Katyi vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Science Study of the natural and technological world with the goal of describing, explaining, and predicting, substances and changes
Technology The skills, processes, and equipment, required to manufacture useful products or to perform certain tasks
Chemistry The physical science that deals with composition, properties, and changes in matter; the study of chemicals and their reactions, associated technologies, abs environmental effects
Observation a direct form of knowledge obtained by means of the five senses-or with aid of an instrument.
Interpretation An indirect form of knowledge that builds upon a concept or an experience to further describe an observation
Empirical Knowledge knowledge gained through observation
Theoretical knowledge Knowledge that explains and describes scientific observations in terms of non-observable
Empirical hypothesis A preliminary generalization, regarding observable properties, that requires further testing
empirical definition a statement that defines an object or a process in terms of observable properties
generalization a statement that summarizes a limited number of empirical results
Scientific Law A major empirical concept that is based on a large body of empirical knowledge.
Law of Conservation Of Mass "in any physical or chemical change, the total initial mass of reactants(s) is equal to the total final mass of product(s)
Matter anything that has mass and occupies space; may be a pure substance or a mixture
pure substance matter whose composition is constant and uniform; composed of only one kind of chemical
Mixture Matter whose composition includes two or more substances and may or may not be uniform throughout the sample (homogenous or heterogenous)
Heterogenous Mixture a mixture that is non-uniform and may consist of more than one phase
Homogenous mixture a mixture that is uniform and consists of only one phase ( a solution)
element A pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances by any physical or chemical means; consists of only one kind of atom
entity a general term that includes atoms, ions, and molecules
atom the smallest entity of an element that is still characteristic of that element
compund a pure substance that can be separated into its elements by heat or electricity; a substance containing atoms/ions of more than one element in a definite fixed portion
chemical formula a series of symbols representing the atoms/ions, and their proportions, present in a pure substance
periodic Law the observation that chemical and physical properties of elements repeat themselves at regular intervals when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number
family/group a set of elements with similar chemical properties; the elements in a vertical column in the main part of the periodic table; also called a group
period a horizontal row of elements in the periodic table whose properties of elements repeat themselves at regular intervals when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number
semi-metal a class of elements hat are distributed along the "staircase line" in the periodic table; also called metalloids
Standard ambient Temperature and Pressure (SATP) 25C and 100kPa
Metal an element that is shiny, bendable, and a good conductor of electricity
non-metal an element that is not shiny, not bendable, and generally not a good conductor of electricity
alkali metal a soft, silver- coloured metal that reacts violently with water;group one
alkaline earth metal a light, reactive metal that forms an oxide coating when exposed to air; group 2
halogen a reactive non-metal element from group 17
noble gas a very unreactive gaseous element from group 18; an element with a full shell of valence electrons
main group element an element in groups 1,2 or 12-18, best follows the periodic law
transition element an element in groups 3 to 11
theoretical hypothesis a theoretical concept that is untested or extremely tentative
theoretical definition a general statement that characterizes the nature of a substance or a process in terms of non-observables
theory a concept or set of ideas that explains a large number observations in terms of non-observables
mass number the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom or monatomic ion
atomic number the characteristic number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of a particular element
ion an entity with a net positive or negative electrical charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons
polyatomic ion a group of atoms with a net positive or negative charge on the whole group
formula unit the simplest whole number ratio of ions in an ionic compound
empirical formula the experimentally determined simplest whole-number ratio of atoms or ions in a compound
hydrate a pure substance that decomposes at a relatively low temperature to produce water and another substance; a substance containing loosely bonded water molecules
molecule an entity consisting of a group of nonmetal atoms held together by covalent bonds
molecular formula a group of chemical symbols indicating the type and number of non-metal atoms in a single molecule
diatomic molecule a molecule containing two atoms
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