Ethics & Justice


flashcards green stage Week 12 relacionadas con el tema Injustice
Melisa Bermudez
Karteikarten von Melisa Bermudez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Melisa Bermudez
Erstellt von Melisa Bermudez vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Confront To face, meet or deal with a difficult situation or person At some point I've got to confront my dad.
Cycle Set of events repeated regularly in the same order. Poverty comes from a cycle of terrible conditions.
Discussion Activity in which people talk about something to express ideas or opinions. We had a interesting discussion about injustice.
Equal The same importance and treatment. We all deserve equal rights.
Female Relating to women. Female political movements are growing fast.
Instruction Something that someone tells you to do. For this activity, it's important to follow instructions correctly.
Marriage Legal relationship between two people in which they live together. Marriage could bring several civil rights to couples.
Never-ending Something that has no limit. Fighting for justice is a never-ending cause.
Receive To get or be given something. Injustice should receive a harder penalty.
Remain To stay in the same condition. Injustice shouldn't remain in a free society.
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