Sailmaker flash cards part1


Karteikarten am Sailmaker flash cards part1, erstellt von Sam5antha am 09/03/2015.
Karteikarten von Sam5antha, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Sam5antha vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the 4 main Themes in Sailmaker? Loss Hopes + Dreams Religion + Football Poverty
Who are the 4 main characters in Sailmaker Davie Billy Alec Ian
What are some of the main types of Tone used in Sailmaker? Humour Passion Mournful Reflective Anger Condementory
In Sailmaker what kind of loss did Alec experience? The loss of his mother His Father son relationship His self worth Childhood hopes + dreams
In Sailmaker what kind of loss did Davie experience? The loss of his wife His father son relationship loss of many jobs Self worth
What hopes + Dreams did Alec have? To go to Private school Pass his exams His dad to finish the yacht To be good to his faith
What hopes + Dreams did Davie have? To finish the yacht for Alec To provide for his son
What hopes + Dreams did Billy have? To move to Aberdeen To go into business with Ian
What hopes + Dreams did Ian have? To go into the army/Navy To go into business with Billy
What are the main types of language used in Sailmaker? Scots Humour Soliloquy
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