Frage | Antworten |
Achilles | -figure in Archaic Greek art forms: i.e: The Iliad and Achilles Killing Penthesilea -warrior -became a model for Greek men because of The Iliad |
Agamemnon | -leader of Achilles troop at Troy in The Iliad -killed by his wife and her lover when he returned home from Troy -Mycenaen figure -Death mask of Agamemnon (Aegean) |
Akhenaten | -Egyptian ruler -Henotheistic ruler-> believed in Aten but did not deny the existence of other Egyptian deities -art doesn't depict him like Pharaohs before/after him (not fit, femine shape, oblong face) -> i.e.: Akhenaten statue |
Apollo | -Olympian deity of fire & metal-working, of the sun and music and poetry -Viewed as the god of reason (compare to Dionysus, Apollo's brother, who is viewed as the god of impulse)-> the two balance each other out -Son of Zeus |
Aristotle | -Philosopher of Classical Greece -studied under Plato and then tutored Alexander the Great -Everything has a purpose & end-> i.e.: embryo becomes a human |
Aten | -sun disk god of Egypt -became the focus god of Egypt under Akhenaten's reign |
Athena | -Olympian goddess -daughter of Zeus -goddess of war and wisdom -worshiped in Athens, Greece -floor to ceiling statue in the Parthenon of the rebuilt acropolis in Athens -helped Odysseus and Telemachus in The Odyssey |
Dionysus | Olympian and Chthonic deity -god of wine -god of dream-states -son of Zeus -when compared to his brother Apollo, Dionysus is the god of impulse, or chaos, whereas Apollo is seen as the god reason |
Euripides ((480-406) | -Tragedian playwright of Classical Greece -morally vague/ ambiguous tragedies -Realistic, rational -Social, political, religious injustice -Concern for psychological truth |
Exekias | -pottery producer of Archaic Greece i.e.: Dionysus Crossing the Sea and Achilles Killing Penthesilea |
Gilgamesh | -Sumerian ruler in Mesopotamia -Epic of Gilgamesh-> went on a journey to find immortality, but instead found it in the forms of art that last longer than the human life |
Hammurabi | -Theocratic Babylonian ruler in Mesopotamia -Law code of Hammurabi -> 282 laws based on "equality" (i.e.: eye for an eye); however, enactment of these laws was based on rank -Stele of Hammurabi (what these laws were written on) |
Hatsheput | -longest reigning female pharaoh of Egypt - proclaimed herself pharaoh even though she served as regent w/ her husbands son that was fathered w/ a secondary wife -many building projects-> i.e: Hatshepsut’s Temple -had many statues of herself erected |
Homer | -Archaic Greece epic poet -The Iliad -The Odyssey |
Imhotep | -Egyptian architect -constructed Step Pyramid of King Djoser |
Pericles | -leader/ general in Classical Greece -took charge of Delian treasury and started a rebuilding project in Athens which led to the Peloponnesian War -died in 430 due to the plague, a year after the Peloponnesian War started |
Ictinus and Callicrates | -architects of he rebuilding job that Pericles began in Athens w/ Delian League funds -i.e.: the Parthenon |
Phidias | -sculptor for the rebuilding project that Pericles began in Athens w/ Delian League funds -i.e.: the north Ionic freize on the Parthenon |
Plato | -Philosopher of Classical Greece -Disciple of Socrates -The Academy -Political theory / ideal society -Theory of Forms -Inspired by chaos of 4th c. Greek politics |
Praxiteles | -Classical Greece sculptor (4th century style) -Praxitelian curve-> i.e.: Hermes with the Infant Dionysus |
Sappho | -female lyric poet of Archaic Greece -more personal poetry than the Homeric pieces |
Socrates | -Philosopher of Classical Greece who was sentenced to death for impiety and corrupting the Athenian youth -Fate of the individual -Questioning traditional values -The Socratic problem |
Socrates | -Philosopher of Classical Greece who was sentenced to death for impiety and corrupting the Athenian youth -Fate of the individual -Questioning traditional values -The Socratic problem |
Xerxes | -Persian ruler -destroyed Athens acropolis in 480 BCE |
Shamash | -Mesopotamian (Babylonian) god -god of law and justice -i.e.: code/stele of Hammurabi (Shamash is handing Hammurabi the rod/line thing in which allows him to rule over the land in honor of the gods) |
Osiris | -Egyptian god of the afterlife -usually associated w/ immortaility -was one of the 1st pharaohs in Egypt -wife/sister was Isis which spurred on concept of divinity remaining within familial lines |
King Minos | -ruler in which Minoan culture was named after -Crete, where Minoan culture thrived -Palace of Minos at Knossos |
Zeus | -ruler/ king of all Olympian deities in Greece -presides over the divine councils -wife/sister= Hera -father of Apolla, Dionysus, Athena, etc. -fathered gods and mortals |
Ishtar/ Inanna | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) moon goddess |
Menes | one of the first Egyptian pharaohs |
Hesiod | -epic poet (some time between 750-650 BCE) -distinguished differences between Olympians and Chthonian deities -Works and Days (first example of gospel of labor in the West) |
Venus | Roman equivalent of Aphrodite |
Darius | -Persian ruler (522-486 BCE) -built first monumental palace at that Persian capital Persepolis |
Herodotus | -lived in 5th century classical Greece -first to approach history as a distinct subject and to practice historical writing in anything like the modern sense -> present has its causes in the past and could be a guide to the future -"Histories" recorded and analyzed the Persian Wars -"father of history" |
Thucydides | -subject was the Peloponnesian War in which he fought -more skeptical/ analytical than Herodotus -used ordinary events to illuminate human motives/ fundamental causes and effects in history |
Hildegard of Bingen | -woman fig. of monasticism -writer (philosophy, theology, medicine, generalities of religion, etc.), painter, illustrator, musician (responsible for more surviving musical comps. b4 14th cent.), critic, & preacher -swears she "saw" divine visions -> depicted in her Scivias (Know the Ways of the Lord) i.e.: image: Hildegard's Awakening *High Middle Ages* |
Claus Sluter | patron sculptor of King Philip in France -sculptures realistic/ naturalistic i.e.: Fountain of Moses in Monastery of Chanpmol, Dijon, France. -> Beard, face, course cloth vs. leather belt |
Charlemagne(Carolus Magnus) | -ruler of the franks/ crowned by pope Leo III as Roman emperor -Gave way to revival of Western Roman Empire -> literacy and architecture -Carolingian Renaissance (education-> 7 lib. arts) -Palace Chapel, Aachen= revival of Roman architecture -> i.e.: (Clerestory, rounded arches, etc.) |
Giovanni Pisano | -Italian sculptor that began to experiment w/ forms that foreshadowed renaissance art-> Return to classic themes/ values -i.e.: Pulpit in the Pisa Cathedral -> Corinthian columns, modeling of lion bases off of a Roman sarcophagus, etc. *Late Middle Ages* |
St. Francis | -founder of the Franciscan friar ministry-> friars of this order worked w/ poor & sick *High Middle Ages* |
Pope Urban II | -started the Crusades -> 1095 speech @ Clermont, in France |
Chretien de Troyes | -romance(long (versed) narratives of the chivalric/ sentimental adventures of knights & ladies)writer -1st to make King Arthur & his court his subject -> set standard for later romances w/ his treatment of the adulterous love btween Lancelot & Guinevere *High Middle Ages* |
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