Crude oil and fuels


Grade E: Key words for C1. 3
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Alkane A hydrocarbon with the general formula CnH2n+2
Alkene A hydrocarbon with the general formula CnH2n
Biodiesel Diesel fuel made from plat materials
Crude oil A mixture of different sized hydrocarbons
Cracking The breaking apart of a long chain molecule using heat
Fractional distillation A way of separating a mixture of substances according to their boiling points
Hydrocarbon A compound containing only hydrogen and carbon
Intermolecular forces Forces of attraction between molecules
Saturated A hydrocarbon which contains as many hydrogen atoms as possible in each molecule
Unsaturated A hydrocarbon which contains a carbon-carbon double bond
Polymer A substance consisting of very large molecules made of smaller identical molecules called monomers
Monomer A molecule that can combine with other similar molecules to form a polymer
Mixture Two or more elements or compounds that are not chemically combined together.
Fractions Hydrocarbons with similar properties separated by their boiling point
Boiling point/condensation point Temperature at which a substance becomes a vapor/liquifies
Viscosity How easily it flows
Volatility The tendency to turn into a gas
Sulphur dioxide Poisonous gas produced from impurities in the fuel reacting with oxygen from the air. Can cause acid rain.
Combustion When fuels (hydrocarbons) burn in plenty of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water
Incomplete combustion When not enough oxygen is present during the reaction to produce carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide a toxic gas is produced instead.
Nitrogen oxides High temperatures of an engine cause nitrogen and oxygen from the air to react. Can cause acid rain.
Particulates Tiny particles of unburnt hydrocarbons. Cause global dimming.
Greenhouse gas Gas which prevents the heat of the Earth being lost by radiation.
Global warming Changing temperatures around the Earth
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