Concept 13.1 terms


Karteikarten am Concept 13.1 terms, erstellt von Reema Al Biatr am 13/05/2015.
Reema Al Biatr
Karteikarten von Reema Al Biatr, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Reema Al Biatr
Erstellt von Reema Al Biatr vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Heredity The transmission of traits from one genera- tion to the next
Variation Sons and daughters are not identical copies of either parent or of their siblings
Gametes Reproductive cells that transmit genes from one generation to the next
Somatic cells all cells of the body except the gametes and their precursors
Asexual reproduction a single individual is the sole parent and passes copies of all its genes to its offspring without the fusion of gametes
Clone a group of genetically identical individuals
Sexual Reproduction two parents give rise to offspring that have unique combinations of genes inherited from the two parents
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