Erstellt von Oliver Jaan Trembos
vor 10 Monate
Frage | Antworten |
characters you can identify with | postavy, s ktorými sa môžete stotožniť |
evocative descriptions | evokujúce opisy |
a fast pace | rýchlym tempom |
a happy ending | šťastný koniec |
humour | humor |
an intriguing plot | zaujimava zapletka |
love interest | záujem o lásku |
mystery and suspense | tajomstvo a napätie |
naturial dialogue | prirodzený dialóg |
realistic, believable characters | realistické, uveriteľné postavy |
comic book | komiks |
fable | bájka |
fairy tale | rozprávka |
fantasy | fantázia |
folk tale | ľudová rozprávka |
graphic novel | Maus |
myth | mýtus |
novel | román |
play | hra |
poetry | poézia |
short story | poviedka |
the narrative is written | rozprávanie je napísané |
point of view | uhol pohľadu |
the story opens | príbeh začína |
action shifts | akcia sa presúva |
Central to the plot is | zásadné pre zápletku je |
as the story unfolds | ako sa príbeh odvíja |
characters are beautifully drawn | postavy sú krásne vykreslené |
I thoroughly recommend it | Vrelo odporúčam |
the plot hinges ON | zápletka závisí na |
twists and turins | zákruty a zákruty |
red herrings | false clue |
the story is set | príbeh sa odohráva |
third-person narrative | rozprávanie v tretej osobe |
portrayal of characters | stvárnenie postáv |
breath-taking | astonishing |
chilling | frightening |
compelling | interesting |
evocative | reliving a memory |
fast-moving | a fast pace |
humorous | comical |
light-hearted | cheerful |
lightweight | not serious |
macabre | chilling/frightening |
nail-biting | anxious |
poignant | emotional |
predictable | we know what will happen |
sensational | provoking strong reactions |
sentimental | emotional/romantic |
shallow | foolish, not deep |
slow-moving | slow book plot |
tedious | monotonous |
thought-provoking | creating ideas |
touching | poignant |
(un)convincing | (not) impressive |
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