IDFX Flashcards


Professional NCIDQ (IDFX) Karteikarten am IDFX Flashcards, erstellt von Brittany Kelly am 22/01/2016.
Brittany Kelly
Karteikarten von Brittany Kelly, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Brittany Kelly
Erstellt von Brittany Kelly vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Limitations of Behavior Observation -Doesn't address why people act the way they are -Only valid for one period of time -Accurate only when implemented by a skilled practitioner.
4 Methods of Gathering Information for Programming -Client Interviews -Questionnaires -Observation -Field Surveys
What range of percentages do space-planning efficiency ratios typically fall within? 60-80%
What is the Net Area of a Building? Actual area needed to accommodate specific functions, without including primary circulation space or support space.
In Leased Spaces what is the Rentable Area? Area available for assignment to a tenant. -Perimeter walls of the space, private corridors, walls and columns within the tenant space. -Can include a portion of public spaces like corridors, restrooms and elevator lobbies.
In Leased Spaces what is Usable Area? Area actually used for the space's purpose, including circulation, partitions and columns within the leased space
How do you find the efficiency factor of a leased space? Ratio of Net Area to Usable Area in the leased space
Territoriality Human behavior that lays claim to space in attempt to give it a sense of self-identity
Proxemics Study of the degrees of spatial segregation people maintain while interacting. Distances relates to social, environmental and cultural factors.
4 Distances of Proxemics (as described by Edward T. Hall) (Closest to furthest) -Intimate -Personal -Social -Public
What was psychologist Abraham Maslow's theory? Hierarchy of human needs ranging from basic (food & water) to more advanced needs (self-actualization, order, beauty).
Design Theory Mental construct, based on philosophy or beliefs, used to direct a design.
Gestalt Psychology Theory of psychology that people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes.
What Psychological Principle is Illustrated here: Gestalt principle of Closure (or form constancy).
In Gestalt Psychology what is grouping? The tendency to perceive separate elements in a visual field as a single whole.
In Gestalt Psychology what is perceptual constancy? Tendency to perceive a familiar object or space as essentially the same in spite of changes in position, viewing angle, lighting, etc.
What are some visual cues through which people perceive depth and distance? -Linear perspective -Atmospheric perspective -Texture -Interposition -Closeness of objects to the horizon line -relative size differences
Regionalism Social or Cultural influence on design reflected by a geographical area.
6 Elements of Design -Form -Scale -Color -Texture -Pattern -Light
What is the perceived basic form of the intersection of a wall and ceiling? A line
Scale Relative size of an object in comparison to another element of known size
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