The Occipital Lobes


PSYB65 Karteikarten am The Occipital Lobes, erstellt von andreaarose am 17/12/2013.
Karteikarten von andreaarose, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von andreaarose vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Area V1 Laminar organization most distinct of all cortical areas.
Striate cortex Another name for visual cortex due to its striped appearance
Color vision Primary job of V4, but distributed throughout occipital cortex
Primary visual cortex (V1) Input from LGN, output to all other levels.
Secondary visual cortex (V2) Output to all other levels.
Dorsal stream Output to the parietal lobe, visual guidance of movements
Ventral stream Output to the inferior temporal lobe, object perception
STS stream Output to the superior temporal sulcus (STS), visuospatial functions (body oriented).
A theory of occipital lobe function Vision begins in V1 (primary visual cortex), that is heterogeneous, and then travels to more specialized cortical zones.
Lesions to the occipital lobe Selective lesions produce specific visual deficits. Lesions to V1 - not aware of seeing
Visual regions Make up about 55% of the total cortex, multiple visual regions in the temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes
Vision Not unitary, composed of many quite specific forms of processing
Vision for action Parietal visual areas in the dorsal stream, reaching, ducking and catching.
Visual recognition Temporal lobes and object recognition.
Visual space Parietal and temporal lobes - determines spatial location.
Egocentric space Location of an object relative to person
Allocentric space Location of an object relative to another
Haxby and colleagues PET study. Found activation for facial stimuli in the temporal region and activation during a location task in the posterior parietal region and frontal lobes. Detection of motion activated V5, while detection of shape activated the STS. Colour perception activated area V4.
Monocular blindness Loss of sight in one eye, results from destruction of the retina or optic nerve
Bitemporal hemianopia Loss of vision from both temporal fields, results from a lesion to the optic chiasm
Nasal hemianopia Loss of vision of one nasal field, results from a lesion of the lateral chiasm
Homonymous hemianopia Blindness of one entire visual field, results from a complete cut of the optic tract, LGN or V1
Macular sparing Sparing of the central or macular region of the visual field, results from a lesion to the occipital lobe
Quadrantoanopia or hemianopia Complete loss of vision in one-quarter of the fovea or in one-half of the fovea, lesion to the occipital lobe
Scotomas Small blind spots that result from small lesions to the occipital lobes.
Apperceptive agnosia Deficit in the ability to develop a percept of the structure of an object, bilateral damage to the lateral parts of the occipital lobes.
Simultagnosia Unable to perceive more than one object at a time.
Object agnosia Apperceptive agnosia, associative agnosia and simultagnosia.
Associative agnosia Can perceive objects, but cannot identify them, results from lesions to the anterior temporal lobes
Prosopagnosia Cannot recognize faces but can recognize facial features, expressions, and tell human from nonhuman faces.
Alexia Inability to read, results from damage to the left fusiform and lingual areas
Alexia as a form of object agnosia Inability to construct perceptual wholes from parts
Alexia as a form of associative agnosia Word memory is damaged or inaccessible
Visual imagery Right hemisphere superiority in mental rotation, evidence that the left temporal-occipital region is responsible for image generation
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