Erstellt von andreaarose
vor etwa 11 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Area V1 | Laminar organization most distinct of all cortical areas. |
Striate cortex | Another name for visual cortex due to its striped appearance |
Color vision | Primary job of V4, but distributed throughout occipital cortex |
Primary visual cortex (V1) | Input from LGN, output to all other levels. |
Secondary visual cortex (V2) | Output to all other levels. |
Dorsal stream | Output to the parietal lobe, visual guidance of movements |
Ventral stream | Output to the inferior temporal lobe, object perception |
STS stream | Output to the superior temporal sulcus (STS), visuospatial functions (body oriented). |
A theory of occipital lobe function | Vision begins in V1 (primary visual cortex), that is heterogeneous, and then travels to more specialized cortical zones. |
Lesions to the occipital lobe | Selective lesions produce specific visual deficits. Lesions to V1 - not aware of seeing |
Visual regions | Make up about 55% of the total cortex, multiple visual regions in the temporal, parietal, and frontal lobes |
Vision | Not unitary, composed of many quite specific forms of processing |
Vision for action | Parietal visual areas in the dorsal stream, reaching, ducking and catching. |
Visual recognition | Temporal lobes and object recognition. |
Visual space | Parietal and temporal lobes - determines spatial location. |
Egocentric space | Location of an object relative to person |
Allocentric space | Location of an object relative to another |
Haxby and colleagues | PET study. Found activation for facial stimuli in the temporal region and activation during a location task in the posterior parietal region and frontal lobes. Detection of motion activated V5, while detection of shape activated the STS. Colour perception activated area V4. |
Monocular blindness | Loss of sight in one eye, results from destruction of the retina or optic nerve |
Bitemporal hemianopia | Loss of vision from both temporal fields, results from a lesion to the optic chiasm |
Nasal hemianopia | Loss of vision of one nasal field, results from a lesion of the lateral chiasm |
Homonymous hemianopia | Blindness of one entire visual field, results from a complete cut of the optic tract, LGN or V1 |
Macular sparing | Sparing of the central or macular region of the visual field, results from a lesion to the occipital lobe |
Quadrantoanopia or hemianopia | Complete loss of vision in one-quarter of the fovea or in one-half of the fovea, lesion to the occipital lobe |
Scotomas | Small blind spots that result from small lesions to the occipital lobes. |
Apperceptive agnosia | Deficit in the ability to develop a percept of the structure of an object, bilateral damage to the lateral parts of the occipital lobes. |
Simultagnosia | Unable to perceive more than one object at a time. |
Object agnosia | Apperceptive agnosia, associative agnosia and simultagnosia. |
Associative agnosia | Can perceive objects, but cannot identify them, results from lesions to the anterior temporal lobes |
Prosopagnosia | Cannot recognize faces but can recognize facial features, expressions, and tell human from nonhuman faces. |
Alexia | Inability to read, results from damage to the left fusiform and lingual areas |
Alexia as a form of object agnosia | Inability to construct perceptual wholes from parts |
Alexia as a form of associative agnosia | Word memory is damaged or inaccessible |
Visual imagery | Right hemisphere superiority in mental rotation, evidence that the left temporal-occipital region is responsible for image generation |
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