Culinary Vocabulary - Week 1


Term for Culinary School
Karteikarten von vanwilson357, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von vanwilson357 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Aromatics Vegetable and Plant ingredients used to enhance the flavor and fragrance of a dish.
Batonnet A cut that is 1/4 × 1/4 × 2 to 2 1/2 inches (0.6 × 0.6 × 5 to 6 cm).
Bouquet garni A Bundle of herb and vegetables tied together to enhance and support the flavors of a dish
Brigade System An organized staff in the kitchen, in which you have a chef for each dept or station with defined responsibilities. Each dept or station will have assistants, depending on the size of the kitchen.
Broth A liquid stock made from more meat than bones. It has more flavor and clearer than most stocks.
Brunoise A dice cut: 1/8 x 1/8 x 1/8 inch (0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm). Fine brunoise: 1/16 x 1/16 x 1/16 inch.
Chiffonade A cut done by hand that cuts herbs and leafy vegetables into very fine shreds.
Demi-glace A sauce made by taking equal parts of espagnole sauce (grand sauce made from brown stock flavored by caramelized mirepoix, onion brulee, or sachet d’ espices) and brown stock. The sauce is reduced by half to make an equal quantity of double strength sauce. Contemporary demi-glace may consist of brown stock reduced to nappe (lightly coat food w/ sauce; liquid or sauce to coat the back of a spoon). Dice - a cube-shaped cut: small dice: ¼ x ¼ x ¼ , medium dice: ½ x ½ x ½ inch, lage dice: ¾ x ¾ x ¾ inch (2 x 2 x x 2 cm.)
Entremetier vegetable chef, responsible for vegetables, soups, starches and eggs.
Garde manger A cold kitchen chef or station responsible for the cold food preparations.
Julienne Cut that is 1/8 x 1/8 x 1 to 2 inch (0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm).
Mince cut food to a fine size (all pieces are similar)
Mirepoix combo of onions (50%), carrots (25%), celery (25%). Aromatic that provides distinct aroma to a dish.
Paysanne a cut: ½ x ½ x 1/8 inch )1.2 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm).
Peel Remove the outer covering or skin from a fruit or vegetable.
Remouillage literally, “rewetting,” a stock made from bones that have been used once to make a stock.
Rondeau A wide, shallow pot that usually has two handles
Roux (Roo) A thickening agent made from clarified butter or some other fat and an equal part by weight of flour.
Sachet d’ epices Small dry ingredients that are tied together in a cheesecloth bag that is simmered with a dish to enhance the flavors.
Slurry A cold Liquid mixed with Starch, normally cornstarch but flour can be used.
Stock The Foundation or Base of cooking. It come from the French Word “Fond” or “Base.”
Tang The part of the knife blade itself. It is the point at which the handle is attached to the knife. Tangs may be full or partial.
Dice A cube-shaped cut: small dice: ¼ x ¼ x ¼ , medium dice: ½ x ½ x ½ inch, lage dice: ¾ x ¾ x ¾ inch (2 x 2 x x 2 cm.)
Mise en place Literally, “Put in Place.” Ingredient, Equipment, Utensils and Serving Pieces need to assemble a specific dish. May also include the Garnish.
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