

TwinsUK (Heritability) Karteikarten am Heritability, erstellt von mcrescent03 am 17/04/2013.
Karteikarten von mcrescent03, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von mcrescent03 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
SFA or P:S ratio on NHDL-C. How was it investigated? ACE modelling 1. adjusted age & BMI 2. adjusted for (1) & adipose SFA 3. adjusted for (1) & adipose P:S ratio
How much of the variance that could be explained by genetic factors? 45%
what are possible genetic and environmental effects on NHDL-C? physical activity receptors activity and expression age BMI i.e. body fatness gender (hormones) stress?
order of strength genetic effects on plasma SFA Arachidic--60% Palmitic--43%==non-sig Stearic--40%==non-sig
order of strength genetic effects on plasma MUFA Palmitoleic acid--59%==non-sig Vaccinic acid--55%==non-sig No genetic on levels of Oleic acid
order of strength genetic effects on plasma n-6 PUFA All n-6 PUFA Adrenic--66% LA--63% AA--61% DGLA--54% GLA--52%
order of strength genetic effects on plasma n-3 PUFA DHA; 22:6n-3--65% EPA; 20:5n-3--55% Non sig genetic effect ALA--48%
define heritability h2=genetic variance/phenotypic variance Ratio of phenotypic variance that can be attributed to genotypic variance
How much genetic effect there were on FA levels in adipose tissue? 60% stearic acid 63% arachidonic acid
is believed to have sig influence on NHDL-C. what is it? dietary SFA
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