Business flashcards


GCSE Business Karteikarten am Business flashcards, erstellt von katiehumphrey am 23/01/2014.
Karteikarten von katiehumphrey, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von katiehumphrey vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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value added the increase in the benefits of a good or service which are created at each stage of production
how is value added convenience and speed good design high quality brand name USP celebrity endorcement
importance of added value added value is a necessity: it pays wages, bills and generates profit for future growth
target market price product place promotion
entrepreneur a person who is prepared to take a risk to make the idea for a business work
qualities of an entrepreneur risk taker independent understanding ambitious confident
motives for starting a business challenge own boss freedom finance
primary research research you carry out secondary research research that has already been done
market research the process of gathering information about consumers and competitors and distributors within a firms target market
market mapping: a grid that measures two different aspects of the brands within a market - identifies gaps in market and shows overcrowded areas
benefits of competition to consumers forced to offer good products/services bring innovative products/services
drawbacks of competition cut costs by cutting staff price cuts unethical practices
market segment sections of the market focusing on specific customer types
market share one brand sells as a % of all sales in the market
factors affecting location cost market customers competition infrastructure staff site facilities
franchise arrangement in which an established business name is sold to an individual or company who can then trade under that brand e.g McD's
invention having a totally original idea and showing how it can work in theory
innovation putting a new idea into practise - bringing it to market
patent makes it unlawful for anyone to copy your idea
copyright creations in writing/drawing/music are protected by copyright law
selling price of a product falls more supply and less demand
selling price of a product rises less supply and more demand
revenue the money a business gets from selling its goods or service (sales turnover)
sales volume number of sales by a company over a period of time
variable costs costs that vary with the quantity sold
fixed costs costs that don't change as output changes
total costs fixed + variable
profit revenue - total costs
cash flow forecast prediction of the future flows of money in and out of the business for a specified amount of time
inflows sales investors bank loan shares grants
outflows bills wages suppliers insurance materials taxes loan
insolvency a business has an inability to repay debts
improve cash flow cut stock levels increase credit from suppliers
business plan formal document setting out a new business idea and how it is planned to make a success
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