Keyhaven Salt Marsh Case Study


GCSE The Coastal Zone Karteikarten am Keyhaven Salt Marsh Case Study, erstellt von JakeHull3 am 05/04/2016.
Karteikarten von JakeHull3, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von JakeHull3 vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Where is the Keyhaven Salt Marsh Hampshire, located behind the Hurst Castle spit
What do the plants have to be in order to survive Salt tolerant Resistant to high salinity
Define a pioneer plant The first plants to colonize a previously disrupted ecosystem
Define vegetation succession and state the stages in vegetation succession A sequence of vegetation species/ the evolution of plant communities colonising an environment Tide Inlet (Mudflat) - Low Marsh - High Marsh - Marsh Uplands
What was the pioneer plant at the Keyhaven Salt Marshes Cordgrass
Describe the vegetation succession stages that is predicted at Keyhaven Marshes Cordgrass (Low Marsh I Sea Lavenders andSea Asters I Oak and Shrubs
What are the impacts as you vegetation succession occurs 1. Soil fertility improves 2. Reduced Salinity 3. Reduced seawater flooding
What birds would you expect to see at Keyhaven - Oystercatchers, feeds and nests in salt marshes - Ringed Plovers, feeds intertidally and nests on the salt marsh
Which butterfly and spider would you expect to see? - Common blue, a resident butterfly commonly found on higher marshes - Wold spider, clings for hours to submerged stems of cordgrass waiting for low tide and food
How much is the salt marsh retreating each year It's retreating 6cm each year.
Why is the salt marsh under threat? Rising sea levels has threatened a 'squeeze' on the salt marsh. Sea levels could breach the spit wall
How are humans affecting the marshland 1. Parking 2. Pollution 3. Littering 4. Making noise 5. Trampling on plants/animals
What has been done to protect the environement 1. Rock armour has been put in place to strengthen the spit to stop breaches 2. It's now an SSSI, site of special scientific Interest 3. Access is now limited and restricted
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