The coastal zone: revision map


Mind Map on The coastal zone: revision map, created by Will Welford on 12/03/2014.
Will Welford
Mind Map by Will Welford, updated more than 1 year ago
Will Welford
Created by Will Welford about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The coastal zone: revision map
  1. types of waves
    1. constructive
      1. destructive
      2. Mass movement
        1. rockfall
          1. mudflow
            1. rotational slip
              1. landslide
              2. Erosional processes
                1. hydraulic action
                  1. corrasion
                    1. Abrasion
                      1. attrition
                        1. solution
                        2. coastal transportation
                          1. solution
                            1. traction
                              1. saltation
                                1. suspension
                                  1. longshore drift
                                  2. Coastal landforms
                                    1. bays and headlands
                                      1. caves
                                        1. arch
                                          1. stack
                                            1. stumps
                                        2. wave-cut platforms
                                          1. from deposition...
                                            1. beaches
                                              1. spits
                                            2. weathering processes
                                              1. mechanical/physical
                                                1. freeze-thaw
                                                2. chemical
                                                  1. biological
                                                  2. coastline management
                                                    1. hard engineering
                                                      1. groynes
                                                        1. sea walll
                                                          1. rock armour
                                                          2. soft engineering
                                                            1. managed retreat
                                                              1. dune regeneratoin
                                                                1. beach nourishment
                                                              2. rising sea levels
                                                                1. thermal expansion
                                                                  1. melting of ice on the land
                                                                    1. Norfolk
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