Erstellt von joannawandel
vor etwa 11 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Hinduism - Parent or Derivative? | Parent Religion (no founder) |
Hinduism - Date Founded | Founded in 2500 BCE |
Hinduism - Originated In | Originated in India |
Hinduism - Sacred Symbols (2) | 1. Om 2. Lotus |
Hinduism - Sacred Places (2) | 1. Benares/Varanasi:The most important sacred city where Hindus go to bathe and is also an appropriate place to die. 2. Ganges River: "the River of Heaven" represents the eternal river of life. Bathing in it provides great blessing. |
Hinduism - Place of Worship | Temple |
Hinduism - Sacred Books (3) | 1. Vedas: knowledge 2. Upanishads: to sit down before 3. Bhagavad Gita: beloved text |
Hinduism - Sacred Times/Festivals (2) | 1.Divali: "Cluster of Lights" celebrated in October/November symbolizing prosperity. A time for cleaning and refurbishing, and general renewal of life. 2.Holi: Celebrated in the beginning of spring when people gather wood for the Holi fire. |
Hinduism - Aceticism | Extreme self-denial |
Hinduism - Samsara | The endless cycle of birth, death, rebirth. This cycle is unending, the unending life in the world. |
Hinduism - Karma | Governs the cycle of samsara. Every action has its effects |
Hinduism - Moksha | Liberation, to break the cycle of birth, death, rebirth. Can be done by understanding reality. |
Hinduism - Hindu Trimurti | 1. Brahma: the Creator 2. Vishnu: the Preserver 3. Shiva: the Destroyer |
Hinduism - The Caste System (5) | 1. Brahmins: priests, academics 2. Kshatriyas: kings, warriors 3. Vaishyas: buisness community, farmers 4. Shudras: servants 5.Dalit: Untouchables "children of god" (not even considered part of the caste system) |
Buddhism - Parent or Derivative? | Derivative Religion - Founder was Siddhartha Gautama |
Buddhism - Date Founded | 563 BCE |
Buddhism - Originated In | Originated in India, but now concentrated in Thailand, Indo-China |
Buddhism - Beliefs | No belief in God, instead a philosophy & psychology on how to live life. |
Buddhism - Sacred Symbols (2) | 1. Wheel of Life 2. Buddha Statue |
Buddhism - Sacred Places (2) | 1. Benares/Varanasi 2. Shakya, Nepal |
Buddhism - Place of Worship | Temple |
Buddhism - Sacred Books (2) | 1. Tripitaka: "Three Baskets", the collection of materials that record the sayings of Buddha himself. These scriptures are accepted by Theravada Buddhists. 2. Dhammapada: "The Way of the Teaching" well-known Buddhist scripture which is a collection of the Buddha's teachings. |
Buddhism - Siddhartha's 4 Sights (4) | 1. Old Age 2. Sickness 3. Death 4. Wandering Ascetic |
Buddhism - Boddhisattva | A buddha-figure who has achieved enlightenment but refuses to enter nirvana until all others have achieved it as well |
Buddhism - The Sangha | A society or order of ordained men and women who seek enlightenment by following the Dharma, the truth of the Buddha. |
Buddhism - The Formula To Join The Sangha (3) | 1. I take refuge in the Buddha: find enlightenment 2. I take refuge in the Dharma: follow Buddha/Eightfold Path 3. I Take refuge in the Sangha: live by the rules of the Dharma |
Buddhism - Nirvana | The state of mind achieved by those who have reached enlightenment |
Buddhism - Stupa | Solid, dome-like structure |
Buddhism - The Four Noble Truths (4) | 1. All life is suffering and pain 2. The course of this suffering is desire or craving 3. Suffering and desire can be extinguished by enlightenment 4. To reach enlightenment you must follow the Noble Eightfold Path |
Buddhism - The Noble Eightfold Path (8) | 1.Right view or underestanding 2. Right thought or resolve 3. Right speech 4. Right action 5. Right livlihood 6. Right effort 7. Right mindfulness or awareness 8. Right concentration |
Buddhism - 3 Types of Buddhism (3) | 1. Theravada Buddhism 2. Mahayana Buddhism 3. Tibetan Buddhism |
Sikhism - Parent or Derivative? | Derivative Religion - Founder was Guru Nanak |
Sikhism - Date Founded | 1469 BCE |
Sikhism - Originated In | Originated in India, in the region of Punjab |
Sikhism - Beliefs | Focuses on pursuit of Salvation (union with God). Salvation is attained by disciplined personal meditation |
Sikhism - Sacred Symbols (2) | 1. Khanda 2. The 5 K's |
Sikhism - The 5 K's | 1. Kirpan 2. Kara 3. Kachna 4. Kesha 5. Kangha |
Sikhism - Sacred Places (2) | 1. Gurdwara 2. Langar: Soup Kitchen |
Sikhism - Sacred Books (2) | 1. Last Human Guru: Guru Govind Singh 2. Guru Grant Sahib |
Sikhism - 2 Religions That Make Up Sikhism | 1. Hinduism 2. Islam |
Native Spirituality - Sacred Pipe | The carved wooden pipe bowl and stem used by Algonquin First Nations. It was sometimes referred to as the peace pipe |
Native Spirituality - Sweat Lodge | Ceremony to purify the body, mind, spirit, and heart, and to restore right relationships with self, others, the Creator, and all of creation |
Native Spirituality - Shaman | Spiritual leader, heals the sick, casts out evil spirits, sees the future, controls the weather |
Native Spirituality - Peace Pipe | Used in spiritual rituals, smoked between leaders to show that they are at peace |
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