Stem Cells


GCSE Biology (B2b) Karteikarten am Stem Cells, erstellt von francesca graham am 07/04/2016.
francesca graham
Karteikarten von francesca graham, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
francesca graham
Erstellt von francesca graham vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the differentiation process? The process in which a cell becomes specialised
______ never loose the ability to differentiate Plants
What are stem cells? Cells that are undifferentiated
Where are stem cells that can turn into any cell found? In early human embryos
What is different about the stem cells found in bone marrow? They can't turn into any cells, only certain ones
How do we cure blood diseases? Bone marrow transplants
How do you get cultures of one specific type of cell? You control the differentiation process my changing the environment that the stem cells are growing in
Why are some people against stem cell research? 1) They fell that human embryos shouldn't be used for experiments as they are potential human life
Why are people pro-stem cell research (2 reasons)? 1) Because they believe that saving already existing people who are suffering is more important 2) The embryos were probably unwanted anyway
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