Science -chapter 23(separating mixtures)


Karteikarten am Science -chapter 23(separating mixtures), erstellt von aideen11winters am 07/05/2016.
Karteikarten von aideen11winters, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von aideen11winters vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Separating mixtures.
Pure substances. A pure substance is one that contains only a single substance and no impurities. A pure substance is either an element or compound-it cannot be a mixture.
What is filtration? Filtration is a method of separating an insoluble solid from a liquid using a material that allows the liquid to pass through but not the solid.
Name some examples of filtration. 1. Coffee filters. 2. Oil and air filters. 3. Surgical masks. 4. Kitchen utensils
Experiment: to separate a mixture of water and soil using filtration. Result: the solid remaining on the filter paper is called residue. In this case the soil is the "residue". The clear liquid that passes through the filter paper is called filtrate. In this case the water is the "filtrate"
What is evaporation? Evaporation is the changing of a liquid to a gas.
What is condensation ? The process of changing a vapour back to a liquid.
What is a condenser? The apparatus which cools the vapour to a liquid. (Ließig condenser)
Paper chromatography Used to separate mixtures of substance in solution. The solvent in which the substances are dissolved are passed along a length of paper. The dissolved substances separate on the paper.
How chromatography works 1. Dyes that aren't very soluble in the water come out of solution early on and appear as a colour near the bottom of the filter paper. Dyes that are very soluble in the water stay in solution and get carried further up the paper. The paper showing the separated colours is called a CHROMATOGRAM.
Uses of paper chromatography. 1. Art 2. Forensic science 3. Food colourings
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