y12 rs all ccea short past paper questions


Karteikarten am y12 rs all ccea short past paper questions , erstellt von justagirlwholove am 08/05/2016.
Karteikarten von justagirlwholove, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von justagirlwholove vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is abortion? ‘Premature and deliberate removal of the foetus from the womb.’
State one reason why a woman might want an abortion Too young • She is unmarried • Already has children; cannot cope with another • She has been raped • The baby may have a disability
What do Christians understand by the term “sanctity of life”? • Human life is sacred • Humans created by God • Humans made in God’s image • Only God has the right to decide when life should end
State two options a woman may choose instead of abortion • Adoption • Choosing single parenthood
What is capital punishment? A court of law gives the death penalty
Name one country which allows capital punishment • Egypt; Libya; Sudan; Nigeria; Zimbabwe; Cuba; Barbados; Jamaica; Iran; Iraq; Jordan; Lebanon; Saudi Arabia; China; India; Pakistan; Japan; Malaysia; USA
State one reason against capital punishment • It is barbaric • Mistakes can be made • Killing is always wrong
State one reason in favour of capital punishment. • An effective deterrent • Protects society • Cheaper than life imprisonment
What is restorative justice? • A problem solving approach to crime • A way for offenders to face up to their anti-social behaviour • An opportunity for mediation
Give one quality a Christian might look for in a marriage partner • shared faith • shared religious values.
Why might a couple exchange rings during a wedding ceremony? • a symbol of never ending love • exclusive commitment; a never ending bond.
State two purposes of marriage given in a Christian wedding ceremony. • companionship • sexual intercourse • to have children.
What is a “civil partnership”? • an official recognition that a same-sex couple are partners
What is pacifism? The belief that war is wrong and can never be justified.
What is a “conscientious objector”? A person who refuses to fight or serve in the armed forces.
Give any three conditions for a just war. • declared by a legal authority • the cause must be just • war must be a last resort • excessive force cannot be used • there must be a reasonable chance of success • innocent civilians must not be killed • peace must be restored afterwards.
What is euthanasia? • mercy killing • a gentle and peaceful death • assisted suicide • a “Good death”.
What is meant by voluntary euthanasia? • euthanasia carried out at the request of the patient.
What is meant by passive euthanasia? • letting someone die • switching off a life-support machine • not resuscitating a patient.
Give one reason in favour of euthanasia. • a person should have control over their own life • euthanasia can bring an end to pain and suffering.
Name a group or organisation which supports euthanasia. • Dignity in Dying (Voluntary Euthanasia Society) • Dignitas • Exit.
What is abortion? “Premature and deliberate removal of the foetus from the womb”.
Give one option a woman might choose instead of abortion. • adoption • choosing single parenthood.
Give one argument against abortion. • human life is sacred • a foetus in the womb has the right to life • abortion is the same as murder.
Give two ways in which a woman’s life might be affected by an unwanted pregnancy? • the pregnancy may interrupt her education • career prospects may be affected • her family might disapprove • emotional strain; cannot cope with being a mother • she might be pressured into having an abortion • financial problems
Name one way people can care for the environment. • recycling • using renewable energy • car sharing/walking
Name one way people are damaging the Earth. • dumping waste/litter • pollution • carbon emissions.
Name one animal rights issue • animals used in laboratories • factory farming • hunting.
In the Creation story, who did God put in charge of everything? • Adam • humankind/man.
How can Christians give thanks to God for his creation and provision? • prayer • celebrating harvest festival in church • taking care of what God has created.
What is racism? Discrimination based on a person’s race/colour/ethnic group. Accept valid alternatives
Name one way Christians can challenge racism • through the message of the sermon • organising a multi cultural event in the church.
Name one reason why some people are prejudiced towards others • they follow the example of their parents • “scapegoating” – they want to have someone to blame • fearful of people who are different.
Name two groups of people who may be disadvantaged in our society. the homeless • ex-prisoners • migrant workers/immigrants • the elderly • people with a disability.
Name two vows taken in a wedding ceremony • ‘To have and to hold from this day forward’ • ‘For better for worse’ • ‘For richer for poorer’ • ‘In sickness and in health’ • ‘To love and to cherish’ • ‘Till death do us part’
Why might a couple exchange rings during a wedding ceremony? • A symbol of unending love/eternity • A symbol of commitment
What is a heterosexual relationship? • A relationship between a man and a woman • A relationship between two people of the opposite sex
Name one organisation that can help a couple whose marriage is in difficulty. ) Answers may include: • Relate/Northern Ireland Marriage Guidance Council (NIMGC) • Catholic Marriage Advisory service (CMAC) • ACCORD
Name one religious minority group in Northern Ireland. • Adherents of world religions other than Christianity • Adherents of minority Christian groups
Name two difficulties that might be faced by people from religious minority groups. • Access to a place to worship • Getting time off work/school for religious observance • Not having the support of a large community • Prejudice and intolerance from others towards their faith • Discrimination • Sectarianism
Give one way in which a school can make pupils from different religions feel welcome. • School assemblies should be inclusive • R.E. lessons do not just focus on Christianity • School uniform adapted to suit religious dress codes • Pupils could be invited to tell others about their faith
Name one group that helps people from different religions to meet together. • Northern Ireland Inter-faith Forum • Embrace NI • The Corrymeela Community
What is abortion? • The act of deliberately ending a pregnancy before normal childbirth.
Give one argument in favour of abortion The woman’s life may be in danger. • A foetus is not a human being.
Give one argument against abortion. • Abortion is murder. • It goes against Christian teaching.
Give one option a woman might choose instead of an abortion. • Adoption. • Raising the child herself.
Give one way a woman’s life might be affected by an unwanted pregnancy • Her employment or education may suffer. • She may face financial difficulties.
What is euthanasia? • Gentle and easy death.
Give one argument in favour of euthanasia. • People have the right to decide if they want to die. • Euthanasia can prevent suffering
Give one argument against euthanasia. • Only God has the right to decide when a person should die. • It could be the start of a ‘slippery slope’.
What is meant by active euthanasia? • Taking deliberate action to end a patient’s life. • Giving a patient a lethal dose of a drug that will kill them.
What is meant by passive euthanasia? • Letting someone die by withholding treatment. • Turning off a life support machine.
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