
Karteikarten am ARCHITECTURAL LICENSURE EXAM, erstellt von Richard Ayo am 23/07/2016.
Richard  Ayo
Karteikarten von Richard Ayo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Richard  Ayo
Erstellt von Richard Ayo vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Palace of king Minus Location? Knossos, Crete
A Palace that has groups around a central courtyard that are surrounded by cypree wood columns that tapered downward? Palace of King Minus
What kind of Matrials that use as a column in Palace of king Minus? Cypress Wood
Other called in Cypress Wood Column? Minoan Column
Give one (1) example of Bouleuterion council house? Council Hall of Miletus
Other name for Treasury of Atreus? TOMB OF AGAMEMNON
Other name for Tomb of Agamemnon? TREASURY OF ATREUS
Parts of Tomb of Agamemnon which has long passageway? DROMOS
Parts of Tomb of Agamemnon characterized in beehive shaped and long chamber? THOLOS
Under 3.1, Sidewalk, What are the two consideration regarding slope and Materails to be use? * Sidewalk should kelp level as possible * Provide Slip-Resistance Materials
Whenever and wherever possible, Sidewalk should have a gradient no more than what slope and percentage? 1:20 or 5%
Sidewalk should have a maximum cross gradient of? 1:100
Sidewalk should have a minimum width of ? 1.20 Meter
If possible grating should never be located along sidewalk; when occurring along sidewalk, Grating opening should have a maximum dimension of what size? 13mm X 13MM
If possible grating should never be located along sidewalk; when occurring along sidewalk, It shall not project more than how much in size above or or below the level of the Sidewalk? 6.5mm
Sidewalk should have a continuing surface without abrupt pitches in angle or interruption by cracks or breaks creating edges above. How much is the maximum pitches allowed in height? 6.5mm
In Lengthy or busy sidewalk, spaces should be provided at some point along the route so that a wheelchair may turn around these spaces should have a minimum dimension of? 1.50 Meters
In Lengthy or busy sidewalk, spaces should be provided at some point along the route so that a wheelchair may pass another and should be spaced at a maximum distance of how much lenth between the stops? 12 Meters
To guide the blind, Sidewalk shoud as much as possible______________? * Follow straight forward route * And with right angle turns
Where planting is provided adjacent to the walkway, branches of trees or shrubs should have_________________ for these wil not overhang toward sidewalrd or paths, as they do not only present a particular danger to the blind, but they also reduce the effective footway width available to pedestrian. Regular Maintenance
Minimum Height if Sidewalk Headroom? 2.00 Meter
Passageway should not obstructed along the defined route, as they can be hazardous, what are these things? * Street furniture * Bollards * Sign Post * Colums
Handrail shall be installed above steps or ramps, What is the Standard Height of Handrail? 0.70m & 0.90m
Handrail for protection shall be installed at great height? 1.00m to 1.06m
How long the extension of handrail should be provided at the start and end of ramps and stairs? 0.30 meter
Handrail that require full grip should have a dimension of of? 30mm to 50mm
Handrail Attached to Wall should have a minimum clearance from the wall? 50mm
Handrail on Ledges Should have a minimum clearance of? 40mm
Where open spaces are provided, The blind can become particularly disoriented. Therefore, it is extremely helpful if any walkway or paths can be given? Define Edges
Where open spaces are provided, The blind can become particularly disoriented. Therefore, it is extremely helpful if any walkway or paths can be given define edges either by the use of__________, ___________, which provide a texture difference from path? * Planters with draft walls * Planters with grass verge
International Symbols for Access should be use to? * Designate Routes * Designate Facilities that are accessible
Draw Sign A and Name it? Access Symbol
Draw Sign B and Name it? Phone
Draw Sign C and Name it? Elevator
Draw Sign D and Name it? Parking
Draw Sign E and Name it? Ramp
Draw Sign F and Name it? Pedestrian Suitable for Disabled
Signage Background Color? Blue
Signage Symbols & Figure? White
What Sign Type is “Access Symbol”? Sign Type A
What Sign Type is “Phone”? Sign Type B
What Sign Type is “Elevator”? Sign Type C
What Sign Type is “Parking”? Sign Type D
What Sign Type is “Ramp”? Sign Type E
What Sign Type is “Pedestrian Suitable for Disabled”? Sign Type F
Sign "A" Dimension? 10cm X 10cm
Sign A,B,C,D Dimension? 15cm X 15cm
Sign A,B,C, Dimension? 22cm X 22cm
Sign A,B,C,D,E Dimension? Either 30cm X 30cm or 60cm X 60cm
Sign F Dimension? 20cm X 60cm
Sign A 10cm X 10cm Usage? Comfort Room Stall doors
Sign A,B,C,D 15cm X15cm Usage? With or Without Directional Arrows to Identify doors, Room ALE
Sign A,B,C, 22cm X 22cm Usage? With or Without Arrows
Sign A,B,C,D,E Either 30cm X 30cm or 60cm X 60cm Usage? For Exterior Use
Sign F Usage? For Exterior Use
Should a Sign Portrude into a Sidewalk or Route. A Minimum Headroom is? 2.00 Meter
Sign on walls and Doors should be Located at a Maximum Height of? 1.60 Meter
Sign on walls and Doors should be Located at a Minimum Height of? 1.40 Meter
Signages Labeling public rooms and places should have raised symbols, letters or numbers with a minimum height of? 1mm
If the carriageway to be exceeds 10.00 Meter. Therefore, In order to reduce the exposure time to vehicular traffic, have central refuges of at least how many meter? 1.50 Meter Width
If the carriageway to be exceeds 10.00 Meter. Therefore, In order to reduce the exposure time to vehicular traffic, have central refuges preferably how many meter? 2.00 Meter Width
How many meter the carriageway is long enough to be crossed before considering central refuges island? More than 10.00 Meter
What Materials to be Provide in the Immediate Vicinity of Crossings as an aid to the Blind? Tactile Blocks
Crossings with pedestrian phases and audible signals are most beneficial to the disabled; they should provided where ever possible? Light Controlled
It is used for crossings to easily distinguishable from other sounds in the environment to prevent confusion to the blind. Audible Signals
Sufficient time should be allowed for the slower persons negotiating a crossing; rather than 1.20 m/sec, It should be how many m/sec Walking Speed or Crossing Speed? 0.90 m/sec
Sufficient time should be allowed for the slower persons negotiating a crossing; a minimum crossing period should be? 6.0 Seconds
Six (6) Parking Space for PWD should be consider? (1) Provide Enough Space for disabled to transfer to a wheel chair from a vehicle. (2) Parking Space should be near at entrance. (3) It Recommend parking space should be perpendicular to the road. (4) Provide Dropped curbs or curb cut-out for termination of floor level. (5) Pavement Markings & Sign shall be provided to delineate parking spaces
Accessible Parking Slot should have a Minimum Width of? 3.70 Meter
Regarding PWD Parking. In Between the front ends of Parked Cars That is a Walkway from accessible space of How Many Clear Width? 1.20 Meter
Three (3) PWD Consideration for Entrances to building? (1) At least one (1) entrance to be provide both for arrival and departure to the interior lobby. (2) One (1) entrance level where elevator are accessible. (3) Ramps should be provided access to the entrance level in case of different level.
Regarding PWD Entrance. Entrances with Vestibule shal be provided a level area with at least how many dimension? 1.80m in Depth & 1.50m in Width
Changes in Level require a ramp except when served by? * Dropped Curb * Elevator
Ramps shall have a minimum clear width of? 1.20 Meter
Ramps maximum gradient shall be? 1:12
If the ramp gradient is 1:12, What should be the maximum length of one (1) fligth? 6.00 Meter
Longer Ramps whose gradient is 1:12 shall be provided with landing not less than how many meter? 1.50 Meter
At the top and bottom of terminal of any ramp and these should be level area that require atleast a dimension of? 1.80 Meter
Ramps shall be equipped with curbs on both sides with a minimum height of? 0.10 Meter
It is neccessary to provide railing where ramp lead down toward vehicular traffic when the rise of ramp enough to consider greater hight at how much steep? More than 0.20 Meter
Any Ramp with a rise greater than 0.20m and leads down towards an area where vehicular traffic is possible, should have a railing of full width of how much width? 1.80 Meter
Regarding PWD, All Doors Shall have a minimum clear width of ? 0.80 Meter
In Bp344. Doors should be operable by a pressure or force not more than? 4.0 kg
In Bp344. For doors, the closing device pressure an interior door shall not exceed? 1.0kg
In Bp344 @ doors. A minimum clear level space shall be provided before and extending beyond a door, what is the measure of this space? 1.50m X 1.50m
In Bp344 where there is excemption, where a door shall open onto but not into corridor, the required clear, level space on the corridor side of the door may be a minimum of corridor width? 1.20 Meter
In Bp344, Doors Knobs and other hardware should be located between from_______, above the floor? 0.82 Meter
In Bp344, Doors Knobs and other hardware should be located between to_______, above the floor? 1.06 Meter
In Bp344, Preferred height of a door knob? 0.90 Meter
In Bp344, Preferred height for Vertical pull handles and horizontall pull bars? 1.06 Meter
In Bp 344, Doors along major circulation routes should be provided with kick plates made of durable materials at a height of? 0.30m to 0.40m
In Bp 344, Thresholds and sliding door tracks shall have a maximum height of ________ and preferably ramp? 25mm
In Bp 344, Manual switches shall be positioned within at how much meter from above the floor? 1.20m to 1.30m
In Bp344, Manual Switches should be located no further than how many meter from the latch side of the door? 0.20 Meter
In Bp344, Corridors shall have a minimum clear width of? 1.20 Meter
In Bp344, Recesses or Turnabout spaces should be provided for wheel chairs to turn around or to enable another wheelchair to pass; these spaces shall have a minimum area of? 1.50m X 1.50m
In Bp344, Recesses or Turnabout spaces should be provided for wheel chairs to turn around or to enable another wheelchair to pass; these spaces shall have a minimum area of 1.50m X 1.50m and shall be space at a maximum of? 12 Meter
In Bp344, Turnabout spaces should also be provided at or within ______ of every dead end? 3.50 Meter
In Bp344, Accessible water closet stalls have a minimum area of? 1.70m X 1.80m
In BP344, What is the Turning space area for wheel chair shall be provided into water closets stalls? 2.25 sq.m
In Bp344, What is the minimum dimension for a turning space area by wheel chair provided for water closet stalls for lateral mounting? 1.50 Meter
The Minimum number of Accessible Water Closets on each floor level or on that part of a floor level accessibled to the disabled shall be how many water closet? One (1) Water Closet
In bp344, One (1) Water Closet is determined by how many set? 20 Sets
In bp344, Two (2) Water Closet is given if the set is? More than 20 Sets
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