Erstellt von Emma Boxley
vor fast 12 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Aliquid | Something |
Apud | Among, At the house of |
Attonitus | Astonished |
Aula | Palace |
Cotidie | Every day |
Decorus | Right, Proper |
Deleo, Delevi, Delere | Destroy |
Deus | God |
Difficilis | Difficult |
Diligenter | Carefully |
Domina | Mistress |
Donum | Gift, Present |
Fidelis | Faithful, Loyal |
Ipse | Himself |
Ipsa | Herself |
Iste | That |
Maritus | Husband |
Necesse | Necessary |
Num? | Surely...not? |
Quam+ | How |
Quamquam | Although |
Que | And |
Rex | King |
Ubi | When |
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