challenges to the government


Karteikarten am challenges to the government, erstellt von Aaishah Din am 24/11/2016.
Aaishah  Din
Karteikarten von Aaishah Din, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aaishah  Din
Erstellt von Aaishah Din vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
define right wing. the right wing wanted to return to a strong government with a strong army lead by a powerful leader like kaiser. They supported capitalism and championed families, law, order and traditional values. They placed the interests of the nation over the individual.
define the left wing left wing groups wanted Germany to be led by the people, opposed capitalism, they supported co-operation rather than independence.
what was the main A) left wing B) right wing party in 1919? A) DNVP aka the National Party B) KPD aka the German Communist Party
what happened with the SPARTACIST REVOLT? ie. - who lead it - what was their aim - when was it -did they fail or succeed? - why did they do it - Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. - they wanted a full scale communist revolution like the Russian revolution in 1917 it was in January 1919 - They failed, as they didn't get enough support however they did take over the newspaper and telegraph headquarters - They didnt trust ebert
using the same guidelines as the previous question answer the next two questions. what was the kapp putsch? - led by Wolfgang kapp - wanted a new leader -1920 - they were failures - they did it as the government had asked the freikorps to be disbanded
who were the freikorps The word Freikorps (German for "Free Corps") was first used for voluntary armies in Germany. After World War I the term was used for paramilitary units. The Freikorps got famous at the time of the Weimar Republic to fight in some towns against the Communism.
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