Food Technology- Minerals and Vitamins


Food technology, vitamins and mineral... I SHALL REMEMBER THEM!
Karteikarten von evie.daines, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von evie.daines vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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VITAMIN D KNOWN AS: calciferol (Whut) SOURCES: It is found in food and is produced under the skin. Sunlight (ultaviolet) causes the action. Vitamin D is added to margarine Fatty fish is a good source! Eggs also have vitamin D STABILITY: they're part of the fat soluble ADEK! it doesnt leak into water and most cereals contain vitamin D. FUNCTION: aids absorption of calcium to ensure strong teeth and bowels. excess is stored in fatty tissues. DEFICIENCY: can cause rickets an pregnant woman needs more vitamin D.
Vitamin A KNOWN AS: Retinol and Carotene SOURCES: found in liver, eggs, butter and fish oils. vitamin A is added to margarine. STABILITY: part of the fat soluble ADEK! it is destroyed by heat and air, not lost in water and poor storage and frying loses it. FUNCTION: helps bones to grow, aids night vision and forms skin cells DEFICIENCY: Can result in dry skin, slow growth in children, impaired vision and sometimes leads to blindness
Vitamin E KNOWN AS: tocopherol SOURCES: found in vegetable oils, nuts, seed and cereal products. STABILITY: Part of the fat Soluble ADEK! It is stable when heated and doesnt dissolve in water. FUNCTION: keeps lungs and red cells healthy. can prevent certain cancers and can be used to preserve fats and oils. It is found in all body cells. DEFICIENCY: rarely found
Vitamin K SOURCES: found in liver and leafy green vegetables. fruits, dairy products, oils, cereals and meat. STABILITY: Part of the Fat soluble ADEK! stable when heated. FUNCTION: essential to aid blood clotting, and regulates calcium in the blood DEFICIENCY: prevents blood clotting, can cause internal bleeding. could lead to anemia. excess vitamin K causes no problems.
Vitamin B KNOWN AS: Vitamin B complex- thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and folic acid. SOURCES: cereals, yeast, dairy and pulses Thiamin: brazil nuts and peanuts Riobflavin: Almonds mushrooms and broccoli Niacin: Dried peaches, peanuts Folic acid: present in green vegetables. STABILITY: all water soluble. should not be exposed to light. FUNCTION: thiamin helps to release energy from fats and carbohydrates. Riboflavin releases energy from food, and niacin forms part of enzyme. DEFICIENCY: Cause lose of appetite, confusion, beri-beri and cracked lips. Lack of folic acid during pregnancy can lead to spinabifida.
Vitamin C KNOWN AS: asorbic acid SOURCES: citrus fruits, strawberries, green vegetables and peppers. STABILITY: water soluble. easily destroyed by heat. FUNCTION: helps absorb calcium and iron. protects against infection. DEFICIENCY: slow healing wounds, poor skin and scurvy
Iodine SOURCES: seafood, seaweed,milk,meat and eggs. FUNCTION: needed for the development of the nervous system. used to maintain metabolism. DEFICIENCY: can cause goitre (swelling on the neck)
Calcium SOURCES: milk and cheese. canned fish and leafy green vegetables and hard water. FUNCTION: works with phosphorus to give strength to bones and teeth, it is required to form blood clots, it aids vitamin D and is needed to be consumed everyday to replace bone. DEFICIENCY: Can cause oesteoporosis (bones become weak and break) muscle and nerves also don't work properly
Sodium SOURCES: found in most fish and added to most manufactured foods. it also forms part of a flavour enhancer. FUNCTION: sodium is salt. it is used to preserve meats and maintain extra cellular fluids. DEFICIENCY: Body needs it in hot climates. people suffering with high blood pressure might need a salt free diet.
Phosphorus SOURCES: found in most plant and animal cells. cereals, meat and nuts. FUNCTION: aids the formation of bones and development of teeth, it also provides energy. DEFICIENCY: it is unknown in humans. but can cause tetany (twitching) and muscles become flaccid
Pottasium SOURCES: found in yeast extract, leafy green vegetables and fruit juices. FUNCTION: Pottasium works with sodium. Allows electrolytes to move in and out of cells. DEFICIENCY: can cause heart attacks.
Iron SOURCES: liver, kidney, dried fruit, pulses and white bread. FUNCTION: helps transport oxygen around the body. produces energy, important with haemoglobin. More iron is needed during pregnancy and vitamin C is required for it to be absorbed. DEFICIENCY: leads to anaemia, your general health is affected and so is concentration
Flouride SOURCES: seafood and flouriated water. FUNCTION: helps calcium stay in bones. combines with tooth enamel to protect. DEFICIENCY: can lead to tooth decay
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