Psychology Key Terms: Unit One - Research Methods


Karteikarten am Psychology Key Terms: Unit One - Research Methods, erstellt von Jess Lambert am 19/02/2017.
Jess Lambert
Karteikarten von Jess Lambert, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jess Lambert
Erstellt von Jess Lambert vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Hypothesis A testable statement, predicting the relationship between two or more variables.
Variable In an experimental setting, any measured factor which shows variation across cases or conditions.
Independent Variable The variable that is manipulated in an experiment by the researcher.
Dependent Variable In an experiment, the values of the variable that change as a result of manipulation of the independent variable.
Experiment A test under controlled conditions made to either demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, etc.
Condition A process in which a stimulus is used to provoke a particular response.
Participant In research, and individual who is the object of study or who participates in an experiment.
Order Effect Difference in participants performance that occurs as a result of participants experiencing conditions in a specific order.
Participant Variables. Confounding effects that result from the characteristics of the participants that may influence results.
Standardised Procedures A set of consistent procedures to treat participants in a test, interview or experiment.
Random Allocation Refers to how researchers divide participants by essentially pulling names out of a hat.
Counterbalancing The systematic variation of the order of presentation of the independent variable.
Extraneous Variables Variables that make possible and alternative explanation of results.
Randomisation Using chance to produce and order for a procedure.
Ecological Validity Refers to the extent to which the findings of a research study are able to be generalised to real life settings.
Mundane Realism Describes the degree to which the materials and procedures in research are similar to real life.
Objectivity Conducting an investigation and collecting data without the process of being influenced by personal interpretation or bias.
Sample A small selection of people from the target population who are studied.
Target Population The people you wish to study.
Representative The participants in the sample are proportionate to the target population.
Generalised The results can be applied across the whole target population.
Raw Data Data that you haven't done anything with.
Anomalous Result A result that doesn't fit the general pattern.
Ethical Issues Ethical issues are points for concern that should be addressed when conducting research.
Practical Application Actual or possible ways of using psychological knowledge in an applied or practical setting.
Practical Implications The logical connection between a condition and it's outcome.
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