Marketing Mix - The Product


High School Marketing Final Review Cards
Kathleen Keller
Karteikarten von Kathleen Keller, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kathleen Keller
Erstellt von Kathleen Keller vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Everything, both favorable and unfavorable, that a person receives in an exchange. Product
A product used to manufacture other goods or services, to facilitate an organization's operations, or to resell to other customers. Business (Industrial) Product
A product bought to satisfy an individual's personal wants. Consumer Product
A relatively inexpensive item that merits little shopping effort. Convenience Product
A product that requires comparison shopping because it is usually more expensive than a convenience product and is found in fewer stores. Shopping Product
A particular item that consumers search extensively for and are very reluctant to accept substitutes. Specialty Product
A Product unknown to the potential buyer or a known product that the buyer does not actively seek. Unsought Product
A specitic version of a product that can be designated as a distinct offering among an organization's products. Product as an ITEM
A group of closely related product ITEMS. Product LINE
All products that an organization sells. Product MIX
The number of product lines an organization offers. Product Mix Width (Breadth)
The number of product ITEMS in a product LINE. Product Line Depth
Changing one or more of a product's characteristics. Product Modifications
The practice of modifying products so those that have already been sold become obsolete before they actually need replacement. Planned Obsolescence
Adding additional products to an existing product line in order to compete more broadly in the industry. Product Line Extension
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