Erstellt von Ingrid Roxana Estupiñan Hurtado
vor mehr als 7 Jahre
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The most important Colombian artists |
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Fernando Botero | He was born on April 29, 1982 in Medellin Colombia He is a muralist, sculptor, painter and draftsman. His art is characterized by the exalted volumetry that impregna in his creations of a three-dimensional character |
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Edgar Negret | He was born on October 11, 1920 in Popayan Colombia He died on October 11, 2012 in Bogota Colombia at his 92 years It was a famous sculptor whose works were characterized by the extensive use of iron and aluminum |
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LUCY TEJADA | She was born on October 9, 1920 in Pereira Colombia She died on November 2 in Santiago de Cali Colombia She was a famous artist, writer and painter. Contemporary art |
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Débora Arango | She was born on November 11, 1907 in Medellin Colombia She died on December 4, 2005 in Envigado Colombia She was an expressionist painter and Colombian watercolorist |
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ALEJANDRO OBREGÓN | He was born on July 4, 1920 in Barcelona He died on April 11, 1992 in Catagena of Indias Colombia He was a painter, raper, sculptor and muralist Colombo-Spanish |
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VICKY NEUMANN | She was born in Barranquilla Colombia in 1963 His works are pictorial with strength and dramatic subtlety Currently lives and works in Bogotá |
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