CLASS 11/07/17 - Vocal Folds


Flashcards on CLASS 11/07/17 - Vocal Folds, created by Alyssa Gomez on 08/11/2017.
Alyssa Gomez
Flashcards by Alyssa Gomez, updated more than 1 year ago
Alyssa Gomez
Created by Alyssa Gomez about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Vocal Fold (VF) Characteristics pearly grey tissue same size & length nice smooth edges
The mucosal wave how folds vibrate in slow motion
Adductory forces how forcefully do the vocal folds close on each cycle?
Symmetry do the two vocal folds vibrate symmetrically? - structure & function
Phonotation use of vibrating vocal folds for sound production in speech
Videostroboscopy at high speed you see vibration of vocal folds symmetrically
Voice Disorders Abnormality: Function (use) Anatomy/physiology - structural changes Effects: mucosal wave symmetry force
Voice Disorders Misuse/abuse - nodules - polyps - granuloma
Voice Disorders Psychogenic - muscular tension dysphonia (diff producing voice bc of stress) - puberphonia (talking with high frequency that isn't at normal level)
Characteristics of Voice Disorders resonance (nasality) pitch loudness quality of voice effort fatigue understanding of speech
Voice Therapy Goals - improve characteristics of voice - reduce harm to vocal folds - improve quality of life
Voice Therapy Techniques - relaxation - drink water and rest (hygiene) - modify pitch/loudness - vocal resonance
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