Biology B1.1 B - Genes and proteins


GCSE Biology (B1 - You & your genes) Flashcards on Biology B1.1 B - Genes and proteins, created by lily bevan on 01/12/2017.
lily bevan
Flashcards by lily bevan, updated more than 1 year ago
lily bevan
Created by lily bevan about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a gene? A region of DNA
What is the role of genes? They contain the instructions that cells use to make proteins.
What is strange about 98.5% of your DNA For a long time it was regarded as junk and thought to have no purpose.
What is the believed role of 80% of the 'junk' To control gene expression - when the information in genes is used to make proteins.
What are two types of proteins & what are some examples? Structural - Collagen (a protein found in connective tissues) Functional - Amylase (an enzyme that speeds up chemical reactions)
What are proteins? Polymers made from amino acids.
What are amino acid monomers joined by? They joined together by chemical bonds.
How can amino acids make different proteins? They can arranged in different sequences.
What is phenylketonuria? A disease which prevents the making an enzyme that break down phenylalanine.
Where do you inherit your chromosomes? Half from your mother, & half from your father.
What are 2 copies of a gene called? Alleles.
what is a different version of a gene called. Genetic variant.
What are genetic variants caused by? small changes in DNA.
How do some variants become harmful? They change the shape of the enzyme, which stops it from working.
What is a genotype? the genetic variants that an organism has make up its genotype.
What is an organism's phenotype? The features that result from genes in the DNA.
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