Rate of reaction, reversible & equilibrium


AQA Chemistry- Paper 2, Topic 1 Rates, reversible & equilibrium
Abi Bayes
Flashcards by Abi Bayes, updated more than 1 year ago
Abi Bayes
Created by Abi Bayes over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Rate of reaction increases using a catalyst because... a catalyst lowers the activation energy meaning less energy is needed to start a reaction
Rate of reaction increases when temperature is increased because... more energy is supplied to the particles meaning they move faster, meaning there is more chance of collisions
Rate of reaction increases when pressure increases because... particles are pushed closer together so there is more chance of collisions
Rate of reaction increases when surface area is increased because... more surface is exposed so there is more area for a reaction to happen on
Rate of reaction increases when concentration increases because... there are more particles in a fixed space meaning particles are more likely to collide
Rate of reaction equation Rate of reaction= amount of product produced ÷ time taken
Rate of reaction is the time taken for a product to form, or reactants to be used up
Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to start
On a rate of reaction graph, the larger the gradient... the faster the rate of reaction is
On a rate of reaction graph, we know a reaction is finished when... the line levels off/ no more product is being produced over a certain time
On a rate of reaction graph, when we use tangents, we calculate the rate with the equation.. rate of reaction using a tangent = change in y ÷ change in x
A reversible reaction is... a reaction where the products of a reaction can react to produce the original reactants
What is equilibrium? The stage in a reversible reaction where the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the backward reaction
What is Le Chatelier's Principle? When conditions are changed, the reaction will do everything it can to counteract the change (e.g. when temperature increases, the reaction will favour the endothermic reaction so the temp decreases)
Exothermic= temperature is given out so atmosphere heats up but internal cools down
Endothermic= temperature is taken in, so atmosphere cools down but internal heats up
When pressure increases, which side will it favour? The side with fewer moles
When pressure decreases, which side will the reaction favour? The side with more moles
When concentration increases, which side will the reaction favour? The side with more molecules/moles as it is trying to use it up, so more product is created
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