Research Terms


Flashcards on Research Terms, created by luisa.yu on 09/01/2015.
Flashcards by luisa.yu, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by luisa.yu almost 10 years ago

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Quantitative research Focuses on empirical measurements with goal of prediction of probabilistic relationships between variables; yields numerical data that can be tested using statistics
Quasi-experimental Similar to true experimental, lacks random assignment of subjects to treatment groups
Random sample Every person in population has equal chance of being selected for the sample
Reliability Consistency or stability of measure or test from one use to the next; when repeated measurements of same thing give identical or similar results
Triangulation Use of multiple methods or strategies to strengthen the research findings
Validity Measurement instrument or test measures what it is supposed to measure; valid is the extent to which the assessment is free of systematic error (bias)
Bias Unintended or unavoidable effect on study outcomes; systematic error
Clinical trial Controlled study involving human subjects, designed to evaluate effectiveness of a drug or behavioural intervention
Ethnography Type of research concerned with description and interpretation of cultural patterns, where the observer is immersed in the culture for an extended period of time
Experimental study Subjects randomly assigned to groups that experience carefully controlled interventions manipulated by investigator; type yields numerical data for analysis
Generalizability Extent to which findings and conclusions from a study on sample can be applied to population at large
Guttman Scale Items arranged in order so that individual who agrees with particular item also agrees with items of lower rank order
Hawthorne effect Research subjects experience change simply because they are involved in a research study; attention bias
Institutional review board (IRB) Specially constituted board of experts established at each institution (eg. university, hospital, etc.) to oversee research conducted and protect welfare of human subjects
Likert scale 5/7-point scale to measure agreement with a particular item
Member checking In qualitative research, refers to researcher checking out facts with his or her research participants
Nonparametric statistics Mathematical formulas that can be used to test hypotheses using small samples and data that do not meet assumptions of parametric statistics
Parametric statistics Formulas used to test hypotheses, based on: 1) data is normally distributed, 2) variance is homogenous, 3) interval level data
Phenomenology Qualitative research approach concerned with understanding certain individual or group experiences and behaviours from insider's point of view
Qualitative research Focuses on in-depth understanding of human behaviour; attention to social relationships and context; study findings yield narrative data that are described and interpreted
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