

Flashcards on Nutrition, created by Elise Cadger on 02/05/2020.
Elise Cadger
Flashcards by Elise Cadger, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Cadger
Created by Elise Cadger almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Vitamin A -Swollen sticky eyelids, sensitivity to light and can lead to blindness -Vision in dim light, integrity of skin, mucous membranes -Liver, fortified dairy, eggs -Fat soluble
Vitamin B1& Thiamine -Severe deficiency is called BeriBeri -Enriched breads, cereals, pastas, meat (pork is exceptionally good source) -Crucial for functioning of brain, nerves, muscles, heart -water soluble
Vitamin B2 & Riboflavin -Angular cheilitis, glossitis, dermatitis, anemia -milk and milk products -Riboflavin is also essential for healthy eyes and skin, and maintenance of mucus membranes​ -water soluble
Vitamin C -Bleeding gums and bruising -Inadequate amounts of vitamin C during tooth development may cause hypo calcification -Severe deficiency is called Scurvy
Vitamin D -Severe deficiency in children = Rickets in adults = Osteomalacia -Oral manifestations = dental caries especially erosion of exposed root surfaces. -Fatty fish, like sardines mackerel, and salmon. -Sun exposure on bare skin. -Acts like a hormone
Vitamin E -Low levels in blood associated with decline in physical function -Vegetable oil -Improves immune response and may be prescribed in the treatment of Alzheimer disease because it is an antioxidant. -Fat soluble
Vitamin K -Involved in blood clotting
Folate/Folic Acid -Deficiency can produce small ulcers and angular cheilitis and is associated with neural tube defects. -Excessive intake can cause kidney damage -Liver, green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals and grain products,
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