ivana vocabulary 8 9


ivana vocabulary 8 9
me me
Flashcards by me me, updated more than 1 year ago
me me
Created by me me over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
catch on darse cuenta
head for ir hacia
come up with ocurrirsele
turn out aparecer / resultar
come across encontrarse con
get about transladarse por
gaze quedarse mirando
glance ojear (ver por poco tiempo)
stare mirar fijo
give a piercing scream (grito agudo)
give a broad smile (sonrisa grande)
give a tender kiss (dar un beso suave)
dive a deep sigh (suspirar profundamente
give a blank look (mirada ciega
give your best regards (mandar saludos
give full details (dar todos los detalles
give great pleasure (dar gran placer
give a nasty shock (dar una fea sorpresa
give a impressive performance (dar un muy buen show
give a lengthy speech (dar un discurso largo
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