Cultural/ Artistic Periods


HUM 250 (Exam II) Flashcards on Cultural/ Artistic Periods, created by Kay_C on 22/10/2013.
Flashcards by Kay_C, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kay_C over 11 years ago

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Question Answer
Hellenistic Greece (323-31 BCE) -time period when the Greek and Oriental/ Middle Eastern cultures institutions intermingled to create a cosmopolitan civilization *Includes: an acceptance of all kinds of ppl (as seen in art) -Alexander the Great -Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicurianism, & Stoicism -Women are have some more freedom/ prominence -New comedy & idylls -Corinthian Order -genre subjects in sculpture (i.e.: "Winged Nike"/ Bronze Boxer) *These pieces are meant to elicit emotion/ have a story*
Etruscans -original people to inhabit Italy -Greatly influence the Romans (i.e.: Gladiatorial combat -Funerary art in tombs is not of mourning, but of happiness, perhaps in celebrating the person's life *i.e.: Tomb of the Leopards (people reclining on couches & eating, no mourning, etc.) -men and women are = *i.e.: Tomb of the Leopards* -idea of "new life" in death symbolized in the concept of an egg *does the presence of an egg suggest woman's importance to the society?
Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) -from Latin's "res publica" which means simply a "public thing" -> something that concerned the ppl, not just the ruler -By 287 BCE all all formal, political distinctions btween the patricians & plebeians were gone. *i.e.: in the senate (one reserved for patricians who ruled over the plebeians became a body for office-holders & could issue opinions but not pass laws) *All Romans could vote for officials & be elected to any office. -Julius Caesar
Roman Empire -Augustus (principate, imperator, Pax Romana) -castrum plan -Circero -Virgil (the Aeneid) -Juvenal satire -Marcus Aurelius (Stoicism & his Meditations) -Arches (vaults-> barrels & groins; the Arch of Constantine/ the Arch of Titus, etc.) -Hadrian & the construction of the Pantheon -The coliseum -Trajan's Column -Murals & tempera -natural law -mosaics -
Christianity -originally a sect w/in Judaism, but gradually emerged as a distinct religion -Jesus Christ= teacher/ son of God -Gospels outline Jesus's life & writers of The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, & Luke) were called the evangelists -theological religion -the Bible -liturgical religion (ppl come together for worship) -Art:The Good Shepherd
Judaism -one of the oldest religions in the world (3rd millennium BCE) that came about in Dura Europas -Covenant btween God & Abraham -God= ethical & seeking to impose ethical principles on humans -no images of Yaweh -Diaspora -apocolyptic texts= Messiah will bring peace/ justice to all on the day of judgement -Western Wall & 2nd temple -Torah (law codes)
Islam Literally: "submission" -> Muslim="Those who have surrendered" (as in to the faith) -Fundamentals as outlined by Muhammed: (1) Faith unifies the believers, not bloom/tribe (2) Direction for prayer= to the Mecca (3) Pilgrimage to the Kaaba (at least once in life) (4) Day of collective prayer= Friday -Shahadah: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet" -> Muhammed is the last prophet for God who is the same god as that of the Jews/ Christians -Qur'an is the sacred text of the faith (think of it as being a bible)
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