
pg 32 }} key terms & recalling facts
Sophia Khan
Flashcards by Sophia Khan, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia Khan
Created by Sophia Khan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
constitution a plan that provides rules for the government
sovereignty state has supreme and absolute authority within its territorial boundaries
democracy any system of government in which rule is by the people
communism one class would evolve, property would all be held in common, and there would be no need for government
autocracy authority to rule are in the hands of a single individual
capitalism the government assumes that society will be best served by any productive economic activity that free individuals choose.
state a political community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized government with power to make and enforce laws without approval from any higher authority.
free market buyers and sellers we free to make unlimited economic decisions in the market place.
republic voters hold sovereign power
command economy government planners decide how much to produce, what to produce, and how to distribute the goods and services produced.
socialism the government owns the basic means of production, determines the use of resources, distributes the products and wages, and provides social services such as education, health care, and welfare.
why did the 13 British colonies in American become known as states? it was a way of establishing their sovereignty when declaring independence from Great Britain.
what system of government divides power among all different levels rather than giving all power to a central government? Federal system
describe 3 kinds of nonstate groups that influence national politics Political movements = maintain diplomatic relations with many states Multinational corporation = offices and factories in many states International organizations = serve needs of member states
how is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy? Direct democracy = people govern themselves by voting on issues Representative democracy = people elect representatives to govern for them
what is the role of government in a laissez-faire economic system? HANDS OFF; government avoids interfering except to ensure free competition in marketplace
Every (1) has a form of government that has (2) within its territorial boundaries. 1) state 2) sovereignty
A (3) is a government of and by the people that may have a (4) that protects the rights of the people—unlike an (5) that concentrates power in the hands of one person. 3) democracy 4) constitution 5) autocracy
The United States is a (6) with elected representation. It has a mixed economy based on (7). 6) republic 7) capitalism
The (8) allows buyers and sellers to make economic decisions about what to produce, how much to produce, and who gets the goods and services produced. 8) free market
In contrast, under (9), the People’s Republic of China and other states have operated a (10) with government planning. 9) communism 10) command economy
Flip over for the paragraph Every STATE has a form of government that has SOVEREIGNTY within its territorial boundaries. A DEMOCRACY is a government of and by the people that may have a CONSTITUTION that protects the rights of the people—unlike an AUTOCRACY that concentrates power in the hands of one person. The United States is a REPUBLIC with elected representation. It has a mixed economy based on CAPITALISM. The FREE MARKET allows buyers and sellers to make economic decisions about what to produce, how much to produce, and who gets the goods and services produced. In contrast, under COMMUNISM, the People’s Republic of China and other states have operated a COMMAND ECONOMY with government planning.
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