Earth Science Grade 5


Flash cards for a grade 5 Earth Science unit test.
Angelique Colby
Flashcards by Angelique Colby, updated more than 1 year ago
Angelique Colby
Created by Angelique Colby about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
atmosphere the layer of gases that surrounds the earth and protects it from too much sunlight
lithosphere rocks, plants, and minerals make up this layer
the crust the outer part of the lithosphere
people build homes and cities on this layer lithosphere
Earth's lithosphere contains rocks, soil, and minerals
the center layer of the earth core
core center layer of the earth, made up of solid, very hot metals
mantle layer below the crust, partly solid and partly semi-solid
What did early geographers notice in the 1500s? the continents fit together like puzzle pieces
plate tectonics theory says that the earth's surface is made up of about 20 moving plates
how continents move explained by plate tectonics theory
Plate movement causes what? earthquakes, mountains, and volcanoes
weathering breaking down or physically changing rock
When does water cause physical weathering? Breaks a rock into pieces by expanding when it freezes
hypothesis a guess or idea
scientific theory plate tectonics
igneous rock when melted mantle cools
metamorphic rock igneous or sedimentary rock that has been changed by heat or pressure
sedimentary rock sand grains that have been cemented together
sand occurs when weathered, igneous rock breaks down
delta new land formed at the mouth of a river by deposition
fossil the remains of any organism
the rock cycle the process of how rocks change form
erosion caused by strong winds or water
4 spheres 1. biosphere - all living things 2. atmosphere - gases around Earth 3. hydrosphere - water on and around earth 4. lithosphere - layer of rocks, soil, and minerals
Pangea supercontinent that existed millions of years ago; split apart into seven continents through plate movement
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