Thorax, Upper extremities,


Thorax, extremities
Alexandra Vollenweider
Flashcards by Alexandra Vollenweider, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandra Vollenweider
Created by Alexandra Vollenweider over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
sternum corpus
processus xiphoideus
costae: I - VII sternal joint (true ribs) red
costae: VIII - X connected to costal margin green
costal margin
costal angle
costae: XI - XII short, free end floating ribs blue
costae: I - X bony portion and rib cartilage
thoracic vertebra: Articulatio costovertebralis articulatio capitis costae costovertebral join where head of rib is placed
thoracic vertebra: Articulatio costovertebralis articulatio costotransversaria where rib aligns
apertura thoracis superior
apertura thoracis inferior
scapula: acromion view: posterior
scapula: processus coracoideus (Rabenschnabelfortsatz) view: anterior
scapula: spina
scapula: glenoid
scapula: margo lateralis
scapula: margo medialis
labrum genoidale Gelenkpfanne
sternoclavicular joint (SC) & acromioclavicular joint (AC)
articulatio humeri ball-and-socket-joint
Humerus: caput
Humerus: collum
Humerus: epcondylus medialis
Humerus: epcondylus lateralis
Humerus: capitulum
Humerus: trochlea
Radius Caput radii
Ulna Olecranon
Ulna Processus styloideus
membrana interossea ensures cohesion membrane between ulna and radius
humeroulnar joint humeroradial joint radioulnar joint (proximal)
wrist joints radioulnar joint (distal) egg shaped, between Ulna, Radius and carpal bones
Os metacarpale I-V
Phalanges, digiti I-V: proximalis media distalis
metacarpophalangeal joints prox./distal interphalangeal joints
aponeurosis palmaris fächerförmige Sehnenplatte fan-shaped aponeurosis
canalis carpi tunnel where nerves pass through
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