

Flashcards on EG_R04_L33, created by Nariman Rizk on 29/09/2022.
Nariman Rizk
Flashcards by Nariman Rizk , updated more than 1 year ago
Nariman Rizk
Created by Nariman Rizk about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
بطلّت stopped
بطلّت تعتمد على stopped depending on...
اتجهت لـ turned to...
معادن minerals
كمية quantity
في الأصل originally
يكتشفوا they discover
قطاع الخدمات services sector
اللؤلؤ pearl
حرب الخليج Gulf War
خف decreased
اعتماد dependence
خف اعتماد الاقتصاد على economic dependence on .... has decreased
بتملك it owns
100% a hundred percent
كليا entirely
نفط خام ومكرر crude and refined oil
تحضير preparation
خلقت برامج it created programs
برامج تنموية development programs
خطط plans
أدرجتها it inserted them
رؤية 2030 Vision 2030
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