Education sociology


What different key people believe about the goals and theories behind education
Flashcards by nathanking136, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nathanking136 about 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Durkheim School is a society in miniature. Believes society should reach social consensus and education helps with this as it teaches community and working together instead of being selfish. Supports nationalism as it will help build communities. Flaws include racism due to nationalism and thinking that our history is the single only good history, creating ignorance to other cultures.
Parsons Parson states that school gives equal chance to everyone if they are willing to work for it. Our society and schools are based on meritocratic principles that everyone gets a equal opportunity and individual achievement through effort and own ability is rewarded.
Davis and Moore- role allocation See education as a device for selection and assigning jobs to people that best suit the job. The smartest people achieve the most important jobs in our society and gain the most money from this.
Blau and Duncan Human capital is the skill of the workers they have as the current education in the meritocratic system allows people to go in the job they are best suited to.
Tumin Criticises for circular argument made by Davis and Moore of which asks why jobs are important which they argue are highly rewarded, then asks why are jobs highly rewarded to which they reply they are important.
Chubb and Moe Believe private schools do better as they are subject to paying consumers and argues that schools don't provide skills needed for the economy.
The new right Believe schools failure is due to the fact it is run by the state. Pupils
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