

Matters regarding recruitment
J. Sonia Edwards
Flashcards by J. Sonia Edwards, updated more than 1 year ago
J. Sonia Edwards
Created by J. Sonia Edwards almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
JOB POSTING (internal recruitment) Gives current employees the chance to respond to announcements of positions. A posting should provide a brief description of the job, including significant job duties and minimum qualifications. education and experience
JOB BIDDING (internal recruiting) Allows employees to indicate an interest in a position that they feel qualified for before one becomes available. An HR professional reviews the employee's employment history, training, and other work-related experience to determine if the individual is indeed qualified for the position.
SKILL BANKS AND SKILL TRACKING SYSTEMS (internal sources) the HRIS can be used as a source for internal recruitment. computerized talent or skill inventories can furnish a list of people who have needed knowledge, skills and abilities. Utilizing this method enables organizations to scan records quickly and locate qualified candidates for vacant positions.
External Recruitment Sources Former employees Previous applicants Labor Unions Trade and Professional Associations The Internet
Traditional vs Internet Based Recruiting Costs about one-twentieth as much as hiring through print; It saves time by using on-line process )15-20 days cut from a hiring cycle of 45 days) Downside - question whether a broad enough cross section is being reached, potential for violating anti-discrimination laws
Internet Recruiting- potential for discrimination internet screening may reject disproportionate numbers of women, minorities, people with disabilities and/or workers over 40 The need (by sate law) to retain application information from Internet candidates as employment records for a specific period of time
OFCCP Office of federal contract compliance programs(in 2005) - proposed specific requirement for internet application record retention (Applies to federal govt contractors and subcontractors only) SHRM Study Section 2 - 7 Must keep any and all expressions of interest received through the Internet or related technologies for those individuals considered for a particular position. Also of all individuals contacted regarding their interest in a particular position. Maintain a record of each resume entered into the database with date added. A record of searches within the database, date of search and search criteria
Recruitment Effectiveness (Measuring) Short Term considerations Average time to recruit applicants Selection and acceptance rates of applicants Cost per hire Quantity of applicants Quality of Applicants EEO Implications
Long Term Condiserations Performance of hires Tenure/turnover of hires Absenteeism per hire Training costs
Evaluating Recruitment Strategies (using yield ratios) Mathematical System to calculate yield ratio SHRM Study 2-7 (2-149)
EEOC Implications for Recruiting Consistency of recruiting procedures provides a strong defense. Adhere to the system you set up
Targeted Recruiting Employers are advised to supplement their regular recruiting with some targeted recruiting focusing on women and or minority ( just as a supplement)
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