WJEC Level 2 Latin Language Vocabulary (O&P)


WJEC Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language & Roman Civilisation and Level 2 Certificate in Latin Language Specification 36
Gian Hernandez
Flashcards by Gian Hernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Gian Hernandez
Created by Gian Hernandez about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
occido occidere occidi occisus kill
octo eight
offero offere obtuli oblatus offer
olim once some time ago
omnis omne all every
oppugno oppugnare oppugnavi oppugnatus attack
oro orare oravi oratus beg
ostendo ostendere ostendi ostentus show
paene almost nearly
paro parare paravi paratus prepare
pars partis, f. part
parvus parva parvum small
pater patris, m. father
pauci paucae pauca a few
pax pacis, f. peace
pecunia pecuniae, f. money
per through along
pereo perire perii perish die
periculum periculi, n. danger
persuadeo persuadere persuasi + dat persuade
periterritus periterrita peritterrium terrified
pes pedis, m. foot paw
peto petere petaivi petitus make for attack seek beg ask for
placeo placere plauci + dat please
plenus plena plenum full
poena poenae, f. punishment
poenas do dare dedi datus pay the penalty be punished
pono ponere posui positus put place put up
porta portae, f. gate
porto portare portavi portatus carry
possum posse potui can be able
post after behind
postea afterwards
postquam after when
postridie on the next day
postulo postulare postulavi postulatus demand
praebeo praebere praebui praebitus provide
praemium praemii, n. prize profit reward
primus prima primum first
princeps principis, m. chief chieftain emperor
pro in front of for in return for
procedo procedere processi advance proceed
promitto promittere promisi promissus promise
prope near
propter because of
proximus proxima proximum nearest next to
puella puellae, f. girl
puer pueri, m. boy
pugno pugnare pugnavi fight
pulcher pulchra pulchrum beautiful handsome
puto putare putavi putatus think
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