
Organisational Behaviour Flashcards on Untitled, created by letitia.zainea on 28/02/2014.
Flashcards by letitia.zainea, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by letitia.zainea over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Organisational culture The shared values, beliefs and norms which influence the way employees think, feel and act towards others inside and outside of the organisation. The collection of traditions, values, policies, beliefs and attitudes that constitute a pervasive context for everything we do and think in an organization.
Organisational values The accumulated beliefs held about how work should be done and situations dealt with, that guide employee behaviour.
Surface manifestations of organisational culture Artefacts, ceremonials, courses, heroes, jokes, language, legends, mottoes, norms, physical layout, rites, sagas, slogans, stories
Mechanistic organisational structure An organisation that possesses a high degree of task specialisation, many rules, tight specification of individual responsibility and authority, and centralised decision making (eg. Taylorism and Fordism)
Organic organisation structure An organisation structure that possesses little task specialisation, few rules, and a high degree of individual responsibility and authority, and in which decision-making is delegated.
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