Factors Affecting Developments in Medicine and Public Health: Roman Britain to c1350.


GCSE Medicine Flashcards on Factors Affecting Developments in Medicine and Public Health: Roman Britain to c1350., created by Tom Lea on 15/05/2013.
Tom Lea
Flashcards by Tom Lea, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What factors affected medicine and public health in this period? Religion Government War
What was the role of the church at this time? Training of physicians Had libraries with medical texts Copying books Preserving the ideas of Galen Running Hospitals
why would you pray to St Anthony? If you had a skin complaint
Who did a lot of caring work for the sick? Religious institutions Monasteries Convents
After the end of the of the Roman Empire what were the rulers biggest priorities? Personal wealth and power Protecting people and trade from attack Not improving medicine
What happened to public health as towns grew? Publich health became more important as there were people living close to each other (it didn't improve though!) Local authorities began to be more active
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