Political Developments


Roles of the Government and People
nichifuri 101
Mind Map by nichifuri 101, updated more than 1 year ago
nichifuri 101
Created by nichifuri 101 about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Political Developments
  1. Internal
    1. Role of the Government: Direct rule by British Government
      1. 1858: EIC disbanded; 1867: Straits Settlements (Penang, Malacca, Singapore) became British Crown Colony (Queen Victoria)
        1. administrative efficiency
      2. Role of the People: Involvement in Planning Government Policies
        1. Until 1924: most officials who administered SG were high-ranking British officials; non-officials were mainly Europeans
          1. 1924: London gvt made number of official and non-official members in Legislative Council equal
            1. Lower levels: Eurasians + Asians + British
              1. Higher levels: some nominated as Justices of the Peace - unpaid
                1. e.g. Syed Mohammad bin Ahmed Alsagoff; P. Govindasamy Pillai
                2. Non-official members
                  1. Asian traders --> had better knowledge than British of issues faced by common people
                    1. e.g.1: Hoo Ah Kay (Whampoa)
                      1. e.g.2: Lim Boon Keng - petitioned council to pass a law controlling house rents BUT failed in banning opium
                        1. e.g.3: Eunos Abdullah - asked to set aside a piece of land for Kampong Melayu
                          1. low-cost housing + earn living through agriculture
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